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Advanced Italian Word of the Day



Italian > English
     1. v. to practise (medicine, etc.)
     2. v. (transitive, sports) to play
     3. v. to mix with, associate with (people)
     4. v. to frequent (a place)
     5. v. to make (an opening or incision)
     6. v. to pierce, bore
     7. v. to practise (to repeat an activity as a way of improving one's skill in that activity)
Italian > Italian
     1. verb. mettere in atto
           praticare arti magiche
     2. verb. (professione) esercitare una professione
     3. verb. (obsoleto) negoziare
     4. verb. frequentare un luogo
     5. verb. fare
           pratico uno sport
     6. verb. agire secondo qualcosa
           praticare la giustizia

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