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Conjugation of the Italian verb approvare

A list of the common conjugations for the Italian verb approvare, along with their English translations.

approvareto approve

io approvoI approve
tu approviyou approve
lui approvahe approves
lei approvashe approves
noi approviamowe approve
voi approvateyou approve
loro approvanothey approve

io approvavoI was approving
tu approvaviyou were approving
lui approvavahe was approving
lei approvavashe was approving
noi approvavamowe were approving
voi approvavateyou were approving
loro approvavanothey were approving

Past Historic / Passato remoto
This is a literary tense, i.e. a tense used in writing, in everyday speech the Passato Prossimo is used to refer to past actions.
io approvaiI approved
tu approvastiyou approved
lui approvòhe approved
lei approvòshe approved
noi approvammowe approved
voi approvasteyou approved
loro approvaronothey approved

Past / Passato prossimoScored
io ho approvatoI approved
tu hai approvatoyou approved
lui ha approvatohe approved
lei ha approvatoshe approved
noi abbiamo approvatowe approved
voi avete approvatoyou approved
loro hanno approvatothey approved

Pluperfect / Trapassato prossimoScored
io avevo approvatoI had approved
tu avevi approvatoyou had approved
lui aveva approvatohe had approved
lei aveva approvatoshe had approved
noi avevamo approvatowe had approved
voi avevate approvatoyou had approved
loro avevano approvatothey had approved

io approveròI will approve
tu approveraiyou will approve
lui approveràhe will approve
lei approveràshe will approve
noi approveremowe will approve
voi approvereteyou will approve
loro approverannothey will approve

Future Perfect / Futuro anteriore
The Italian Future Perfect or Futuro anteriore is made with the future tense of avere for transitive verbs or essere for reflexive and intransitive verbs and the past participle of the verb. The past participle agrees with the subject for verbs that take essere, or with the direct object for verbs that take avere.
io avrò approvatoI will have approved
tu avrai approvatoyou will have approved
lui avrà approvatohe will have approved
lei avrà approvatoshe will have approved
noi avremo approvatowe will have approved
voi avrete approvatoyou will have approved
loro avranno approvatothey will have approved

io approvereiI would approve
tu approverestiyou would approve
lui approverebbehe would approve
lei approverebbeshe would approve
noi approveremmowe would approve
voi approveresteyou would approve
loro approverebberothey would approve

Conditional Perfect / Condizionale Passato
The Italian Conditional Perfect or Condizionale Passato is made with the conditional tense of avere for transitive verbs or essere for reflexive and intransitive verbs and the past participle of the verb. The past participle agrees with the subject for verbs that take essere, or with the direct object for verbs that take avere.
io avrei approvatoI would have approved
tu avresti approvatoyou would have approved
lui avrebbe approvatohe would have approved
lei avrebbe approvatoshe would have approved
noi avremmo approvatowe would have approved
voi avreste approvatoyou would have approved
loro avrebbero approvatothey would have approved

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... che) io approvi(... that) I approve
(... che) tu approvi(... that) you approve
(... che) lui approvi(... that) he approves
(... che) lei approvi(... that) she approves
(... che) noi approviamo(... that) we approve
(... che) voi approviate(... that) you approve
(... che) loro approvino(... that) they approve

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... che) io approvassi(... that) I was approving
(... che) tu approvassi(... that) you were approving
(... che) lui approvasse(... that) he was approving
(... che) lei approvasse(... that) she was approving
(... che) noi approvassimo(... that) we were approving
(... che) voi approvaste(... that) you were approving
(... che) loro approvassero(... that) they were approving

approva Approve
approviamoLet's approve
approvate Approve

Present ParticipleScored
approvante approving

Past ParticipleScored
approvato approved

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