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Conjugation of the Italian verb crollare

A list of the common conjugations for the Italian verb crollare, along with their English translations.

crollareto collapse

io crolloI collapse
tu crolliyou collapse
lui crollahe collapses
lei crollashe collapses
noi crolliamowe collapse
voi crollateyou collapse
loro crollanothey collapse

io crollavoI was collapsing
tu crollaviyou were collapsing
lui crollavahe was collapsing
lei crollavashe was collapsing
noi crollavamowe were collapsing
voi crollavateyou were collapsing
loro crollavanothey were collapsing

Past Historic / Passato remoto
This is a literary tense, i.e. a tense used in writing, in everyday speech the Passato Prossimo is used to refer to past actions.
io crollaiI collapsed
tu crollastiyou collapsed
lui crollòhe collapsed
lei crollòshe collapsed
noi crollammowe collapsed
voi crollasteyou collapsed
loro crollaronothey collapsed

Past / Passato prossimoScored
io ho crollatoI collapsed
tu hai crollatoyou collapsed
lui ha crollatohe collapsed
lei ha crollatoshe collapsed
noi abbiamo crollatowe collapsed
voi avete crollatoyou collapsed
loro hanno crollatothey collapsed

Pluperfect / Trapassato prossimoScored
io avevo crollatoI had collapsed
tu avevi crollatoyou had collapsed
lui aveva crollatohe had collapsed
lei aveva crollatoshe had collapsed
noi avevamo crollatowe had collapsed
voi avevate crollatoyou had collapsed
loro avevano crollatothey had collapsed

io crolleròI will collapse
tu crolleraiyou will collapse
lui crolleràhe will collapse
lei crolleràshe will collapse
noi crolleremowe will collapse
voi crollereteyou will collapse
loro crollerannothey will collapse

Future Perfect / Futuro anteriore
The Italian Future Perfect or Futuro anteriore is made with the future tense of avere for transitive verbs or essere for reflexive and intransitive verbs and the past participle of the verb. The past participle agrees with the subject for verbs that take essere, or with the direct object for verbs that take avere.
io avrò crollatoI will have collapsed
tu avrai crollatoyou will have collapsed
lui avrà crollatohe will have collapsed
lei avrà crollatoshe will have collapsed
noi avremo crollatowe will have collapsed
voi avrete crollatoyou will have collapsed
loro avranno crollatothey will have collapsed

io crollereiI would collapse
tu crollerestiyou would collapse
lui crollerebbehe would collapse
lei crollerebbeshe would collapse
noi crolleremmowe would collapse
voi crolleresteyou would collapse
loro crollerebberothey would collapse

Conditional Perfect / Condizionale Passato
The Italian Conditional Perfect or Condizionale Passato is made with the conditional tense of avere for transitive verbs or essere for reflexive and intransitive verbs and the past participle of the verb. The past participle agrees with the subject for verbs that take essere, or with the direct object for verbs that take avere.
io avrei crollatoI would have collapsed
tu avresti crollatoyou would have collapsed
lui avrebbe crollatohe would have collapsed
lei avrebbe crollatoshe would have collapsed
noi avremmo crollatowe would have collapsed
voi avreste crollatoyou would have collapsed
loro avrebbero crollatothey would have collapsed

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... che) io crolli(... that) I collapse
(... che) tu crolli(... that) you collapse
(... che) lui crolli(... that) he collapses
(... che) lei crolli(... that) she collapses
(... che) noi crolliamo(... that) we collapse
(... che) voi crolliate(... that) you collapse
(... che) loro crollino(... that) they collapse

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... che) io crollassi(... that) I was collapsing
(... che) tu crollassi(... that) you were collapsing
(... che) lui crollasse(... that) he was collapsing
(... che) lei crollasse(... that) she was collapsing
(... che) noi crollassimo(... that) we were collapsing
(... che) voi crollaste(... that) you were collapsing
(... che) loro crollassero(... that) they were collapsing

crolla Collapse
crolliamoLet's collapse
crollate Collapse

Present ParticipleScored
crollante collapsing

Past ParticipleScored
crollato collapsed

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