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Conjugation of the Italian verb nascere

A list of the common conjugations for the Italian verb nascere, along with their English translations.

nascereto be born

io nascoI am born
tu nasciyou are born
lui nascehe is born
lei nasceshe is born
noi nasciamowe are born
voi nasceteyou are born
loro nasconothey are born

io nascevoI was is being born
tu nasceviyou were is being born
lui nascevahe was is being born
lei nascevashe was is being born
noi nascevamowe were is being born
voi nascevateyou were is being born
loro nascevanothey were is being born

Past Historic / Passato remoto
This is a literary tense, i.e. a tense used in writing, in everyday speech the Passato Prossimo is used to refer to past actions.
io nacquiI was born
tu nascestiyou was born
lui nacquehe was born
lei nacqueshe was born
noi nascemmowe was born
voi nascesteyou was born
loro nacquerothey was born

io nascerĂ²I will be born
tu nasceraiyou will be born
lui nascerĂ he will be born
lei nascerĂ she will be born
noi nasceremowe will be born
voi nascereteyou will be born
loro nascerannothey will be born

io nascereiI would be born
tu nascerestiyou would be born
lui nascerebbehe would be born
lei nascerebbeshe would be born
noi nasceremmowe would be born
voi nasceresteyou would be born
loro nascerebberothey would be born

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... che) io nasca(... that) I am born
(... che) tu nasca(... that) you are born
(... che) lui nasca(... that) he is born
(... che) lei nasca(... that) she is born
(... che) noi nasciamo(... that) we are born
(... che) voi nasciate(... that) you are born
(... che) loro nascano(... that) they are born

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... che) io nascessi(... that) I was is being born
(... che) tu nascessi(... that) you were is being born
(... che) lui nascesse(... that) he was is being born
(... che) lei nascesse(... that) she was is being born
(... che) noi nascessimo(... that) we were is being born
(... che) voi nasceste(... that) you were is being born
(... che) loro nascessero(... that) they were is being born

nasci Be born
nasciamoLet's be born
nascete Be born

Present ParticipleScored
nascente is being born

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