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Conjugation of the Italian verb respirare

A list of the common conjugations for the Italian verb respirare, along with their English translations.

respirareto breathe

io respiroI breathe
tu respiriyou breathe
lui respirahe breathes
lei respirashe breathes
noi respiriamowe breathe
voi respirateyou breathe
loro respiranothey breathe

io respiravoI was breathing
tu respiraviyou were breathing
lui respiravahe was breathing
lei respiravashe was breathing
noi respiravamowe were breathing
voi respiravateyou were breathing
loro respiravanothey were breathing

Past Historic / Passato remoto
This is a literary tense, i.e. a tense used in writing, in everyday speech the Passato Prossimo is used to refer to past actions.
io respiraiI breathed
tu respirastiyou breathed
lui respiròhe breathed
lei respiròshe breathed
noi respirammowe breathed
respirasteyou breathed
loro respiraronothey breathed

Past / Passato prossimoScored
io ho respiratoI breathed
tu hai respiratoyou breathed
lui ha respiratohe breathed
lei ha respiratoshe breathed
noi abbiamo respiratowe breathed
voi avete respiratoyou breathed
loro hanno respiratothey breathed

Pluperfect / Trapassato prossimoScored
io avevo respiratoI had breathed
tu avevi respiratoyou had breathed
lui aveva respiratohe had breathed
lei aveva respiratoshe had breathed
noi avevamo respiratowe had breathed
voi avevate respiratoyou had breathed
loro avevano respiratothey had breathed

io respireròI will breathe
tu respireraiyou will breathe
lui respireràhe will breathe
lei respireràshe will breathe
noi respireremowe will breathe
voi respirereteyou will breathe
loro respirerannothey will breathe

Future Perfect / Futuro anteriore
The Italian Future Perfect or Futuro anteriore is made with the future tense of avere for transitive verbs or essere for reflexive and intransitive verbs and the past participle of the verb. The past participle agrees with the subject for verbs that take essere, or with the direct object for verbs that take avere.
io avrò respiratoI will have breathed
tu avrai respiratoyou will have breathed
lui avrà respiratohe will have breathed
lei avrà respiratoshe will have breathed
noi avremo respiratowe will have breathed
voi avrete respiratoyou will have breathed
loro avranno respiratothey will have breathed

io respirereiI would breathe
tu respirerestiyou would breathe
lui respirerebbehe would breathe
lei respirerebbeshe would breathe
noi respireremmowe would breathe
voi respireresteyou would breathe
loro respirerebberothey would breathe

Conditional Perfect / Condizionale Passato
The Italian Conditional Perfect or Condizionale Passato is made with the conditional tense of avere for transitive verbs or essere for reflexive and intransitive verbs and the past participle of the verb. The past participle agrees with the subject for verbs that take essere, or with the direct object for verbs that take avere.
io avrei respiratoI would have breathed
tu avresti respiratoyou would have breathed
lui avrebbe respiratohe would have breathed
lei avrebbe respiratoshe would have breathed
noi avremmo respiratowe would have breathed
voi avreste respiratoyou would have breathed
loro avrebbero respiratothey would have breathed

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... che) io respiri(... that) I breathe
(... che) tu respiri(... that) you breathe
(... che) lui respiri(... that) he breathes
(... che) lei respiri(... that) she breathes
(... che) noi respiriamo(... that) we breathe
(... che) voi respiriate(... that) you breathe
(... che) loro respirino(... that) they breathe

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... che) io respirassi(... that) I was breathing
(... che) tu respirassi(... that) you were breathing
(... che) lui respirasse(... that) he was breathing
(... che) lei respirasse(... that) she was breathing
(... che) noi respirassimo(... that) we were breathing
(... che) voi respiraste(... that) you were breathing
(... che) loro respirassero(... that) they were breathing

respira Breathe
respiriamoLet's breathe
respirate Breathe

Present ParticipleScored
respirante breathing

Past ParticipleScored
respirato breathed

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Irregular conjugation
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