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Conjugation of the Italian verb scorrere

A list of the common conjugations for the Italian verb scorrere, along with their English translations.

scorrereto flow

io scorroI flow
tu scorriyou flow
lui scorrehe flows
lei scorreshe flows
noi scorriamowe flow
voi scorreteyou flow
loro scorronothey flow

io scorrevoI was flowing
tu scorreviyou were flowing
lui scorrevahe was flowing
lei scorrevashe was flowing
noi scorrevamowe were flowing
voi scorrevateyou were flowing
loro scorrevanothey were flowing

Past Historic / Passato remoto
This is a literary tense, i.e. a tense used in writing, in everyday speech the Passato Prossimo is used to refer to past actions.
tu scorrestiyou flowed
noi scorremmowe flowed
voi scorresteyou flowed

Past / Passato prossimoScored
io ho scorsoI flowed
tu hai scorsoyou flowed
lui ha scorsohe flowed
lei ha scorsoshe flowed
noi abbiamo scorsowe flowed
voi avete scorsoyou flowed
loro hanno scorsothey flowed

Pluperfect / Trapassato prossimoScored
io avevo scorsoI had flowed
tu avevi scorsoyou had flowed
lui aveva scorsohe had flowed
lei aveva scorsoshe had flowed
noi avevamo scorsowe had flowed
voi avevate scorsoyou had flowed
loro avevano scorsothey had flowed

io scorreròI will flow
tu scorreraiyou will flow
lui scorreràhe will flow
lei scorreràshe will flow
noi scorreremowe will flow
voi scorrereteyou will flow
loro scorrerannothey will flow

Future Perfect / Futuro anteriore
The Italian Future Perfect or Futuro anteriore is made with the future tense of avere for transitive verbs or essere for reflexive and intransitive verbs and the past participle of the verb. The past participle agrees with the subject for verbs that take essere, or with the direct object for verbs that take avere.
io avrò scorsoI will have flowed
tu avrai scorsoyou will have flowed
lui avrà scorsohe will have flowed
lei avrà scorsoshe will have flowed
noi avremo scorsowe will have flowed
voi avrete scorsoyou will have flowed
loro avranno scorsothey will have flowed

io scorrereiI would flow
tu scorrerestiyou would flow
lui scorrerebbehe would flow
lei scorrerebbeshe would flow
noi scorreremmowe would flow
voi scorreresteyou would flow
loro scorrerebberothey would flow

Conditional Perfect / Condizionale Passato
The Italian Conditional Perfect or Condizionale Passato is made with the conditional tense of avere for transitive verbs or essere for reflexive and intransitive verbs and the past participle of the verb. The past participle agrees with the subject for verbs that take essere, or with the direct object for verbs that take avere.
io avrei scorsoI would have flowed
tu avresti scorsoyou would have flowed
lui avrebbe scorsohe would have flowed
lei avrebbe scorsoshe would have flowed
noi avremmo scorsowe would have flowed
voi avreste scorsoyou would have flowed
loro avrebbero scorsothey would have flowed

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... che) io scorra(... that) I flow
(... che) tu scorra(... that) you flow
(... che) lui scorra(... that) he flows
(... che) lei scorra(... that) she flows
(... che) noi scorriamo(... that) we flow
(... che) voi scorriate(... that) you flow
(... che) loro scorrano(... that) they flow

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... che) io scorressi(... that) I was flowing
(... che) tu scorressi(... that) you were flowing
(... che) lui scorresse(... that) he was flowing
(... che) lei scorresse(... that) she was flowing
(... che) noi scorressimo(... that) we were flowing
(... che) voi scorreste(... that) you were flowing
(... che) loro scorressero(... that) they were flowing

scorri Flow
scorriamoLet's flow
scorrete Flow

Present ParticipleScored
scorrente flowing

Past ParticipleScored
scorso flowed

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