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Conjugation of the Italian verb sfuggire

A list of the common conjugations for the Italian verb sfuggire, along with their English translations.

sfuggireto get away

io sfuggoI get away
tu sfuggiyou get away
lui sfuggehe gets away
lei sfuggeshe gets away
noi sfuggiamowe get away
voi sfuggiteyou get away
loro sfuggonothey get away

io sfuggivoI was getting away
tu sfuggiviyou were getting away
lui sfuggivahe was getting away
lei sfuggivashe was getting away
noi sfuggivamowe were getting away
voi sfuggivateyou were getting away
loro sfuggivanothey were getting away

Past Historic / Passato remoto
This is a literary tense, i.e. a tense used in writing, in everyday speech the Passato Prossimo is used to refer to past actions.
io sfuggiiI got away
tu sfuggistiyou got away
lui sfuggìhe got away
lei sfuggìshe got away
noi sfuggimmowe got away
voi sfuggisteyou got away
loro sfuggironothey got away

Past / Passato prossimoScored
io ho sfuggitoI got away
tu hai sfuggitoyou got away
lui ha sfuggitohe got away
lei ha sfuggitoshe got away
noi abbiamo sfuggitowe got away
voi avete sfuggitoyou got away
loro hanno sfuggitothey got away

Pluperfect / Trapassato prossimoScored
io avevo sfuggitoI had gotten away
tu avevi sfuggitoyou had gotten away
lui aveva sfuggitohe had gotten away
lei aveva sfuggitoshe had gotten away
noi avevamo sfuggitowe had gotten away
voi avevate sfuggitoyou had gotten away
loro avevano sfuggitothey had gotten away

io sfuggiròI will get away
tu sfuggiraiyou will get away
lui sfuggiràhe will get away
lei sfuggiràshe will get away
noi sfuggiremowe will get away
voi sfuggireteyou will get away
loro sfuggirannothey will get away

Future Perfect / Futuro anteriore
The Italian Future Perfect or Futuro anteriore is made with the future tense of avere for transitive verbs or essere for reflexive and intransitive verbs and the past participle of the verb. The past participle agrees with the subject for verbs that take essere, or with the direct object for verbs that take avere.
io avrò sfuggitoI will have gotten away
tu avrai sfuggitoyou will have gotten away
lui avrà sfuggitohe will have gotten away
lei avrà sfuggitoshe will have gotten away
noi avremo sfuggitowe will have gotten away
voi avrete sfuggitoyou will have gotten away
loro avranno sfuggitothey will have gotten away

io sfuggireiI would get away
tu sfuggirestiyou would get away
lui sfuggirebbehe would get away
lei sfuggirebbeshe would get away
noi sfuggiremmowe would get away
voi sfuggiresteyou would get away
loro sfuggirebberothey would get away

Conditional Perfect / Condizionale Passato
The Italian Conditional Perfect or Condizionale Passato is made with the conditional tense of avere for transitive verbs or essere for reflexive and intransitive verbs and the past participle of the verb. The past participle agrees with the subject for verbs that take essere, or with the direct object for verbs that take avere.
io avrei sfuggitoI would have gotten away
tu avresti sfuggitoyou would have gotten away
lui avrebbe sfuggitohe would have gotten away
lei avrebbe sfuggitoshe would have gotten away
noi avremmo sfuggitowe would have gotten away
voi avreste sfuggitoyou would have gotten away
loro avrebbero sfuggitothey would have gotten away

Present SubjunctiveScored
(... che) io sfugga(... that) I get away
(... che) tu sfugga(... that) you get away
(... che) lui sfugga(... that) he gets away
(... che) lei sfugga(... that) she gets away
(... che) noi sfuggiamo(... that) we get away
(... che) voi sfuggiate(... that) you get away
(... che) loro sfuggano(... that) they get away

Imperfect SubjunctiveScored
(... che) io sfuggissi(... that) I was getting away
(... che) tu sfuggissi(... that) you were getting away
(... che) lui sfuggisse(... that) he was getting away
(... che) lei sfuggisse(... that) she was getting away
(... che) noi sfuggissimo(... that) we were getting away
(... che) voi sfuggiste(... that) you were getting away
(... che) loro sfuggissero(... that) they were getting away

sfuggi Get away
sfuggiamoLet's get away
sfuggite Get away

Present ParticipleScored
sfuggente getting away

Past ParticipleScored
sfuggito gotten away

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Irregular conjugation
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