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Italian Phrase of the Day

a mai più rivederci


Italian > English
a mai più rivederci
     1. interj. goodbye, farewell with the wish of never meeting that person again
a  ©
     1. prep. in
     2. prep. at
     3. prep. to
     4. prep. Indicates the direct object, mainly to avoid confusion when it, the subject, or both are displaced, or for emphasis
           A me non importa. - To me it doesn’t matter.
mai  ©
     1. adv. never
     2. adv. ever, always
     3. adv. Used as an intensifier.
           Una risposta quanto mai ambigua. - An ambiguous answer indeed.
           Dove mai si sarà cacciato? - Where on earth did he end up?
più  ©
     1. adv. comparative degree of molto; more
     2. adj. more
     3. prep. plus
     1. v. first-person plural of rivedersi
          1. v. to see again, meet again
          2. v. to return to, go back to
          3. v. to revise
          4. v. to overhaul
          5. v. to backtrack
          1. pron. us
                Loro ci conoscono - They know us
          2. pron. (reflexive pronoun) ourselves; each other
                Ci arrabbiamo - We (ourselves) get angry
                Ci amiamo - We love each other

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