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Italian Phrase of the Day

al contrario


Italian > English
al contrario
     1. adv. on the contrary, contrariwise
     2. adv. backwards, back to front
     3. adv. upside down
     4. adv. inside out
     1. contraction. contraction of a il; to the, at the
     2. prep. (cooking, in the singular) with (an ingredient)
           risotto al pecorino - rice with pecorino cheese
           risotto allo zafferano - rice with saffron
           pasta all'aglio - pasta with garlic
          1. prep. in
          2. prep. at
          3. prep. to
          4. prep. Indicates the direct object, mainly to avoid confusion when it, the subject, or both are displaced, or for emphasis
                A me non importa. - To me it doesn’t matter.
          1. art. the
     1. adj. contrary, opposite, alien
     2. adj. unfavourable, adverse
     3. adj. unwilling, reluctant
     4. adj. opposed, against
     5. n. opposite, contrary
          1. v. to oppose
          2. v. to thwart (a plan)
          3. v. to annoy, bother, irritate, disgruntle

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