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Italian Phrase of the Day

come sta


Italian > English
come sta
     1. Phrase. (formal) how are you
     2. adj. (music) exactly as written
come  ©
     1. adv. how
           Come stai? - How are you? (informal)
           Come sta? - How are you? (formal)
     2. adv. as, like
           blu come il mare - as blue as the sea
     1. v. third-person singular present indicative of stare
     2. v. second-person singular imperative of stare
          1. v. (intransitive) to stay, remain
                stare attenti (a) - to pay attention (to)
                Starà a casa. - He/she will stay at home.
          2. v. (intransitive, followed by a) to keep, stick
          3. v. (intransitive, followed by a gerund) to be doing something (present continuous)

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