Italian Phrase of the Day
di sottoDefinitions
Italian > English | |
di sotto | |
1. adv. downstairs | |
2. adv. underneath | |
Analysis | |
di | |
1. prep. (ngd, Used to indicate possession, after the thing owned and before the owner); ’s | |
L’ira di Apollo - The wrath of Apollo | |
la coda del cane - the dog’s tail | |
Canto dello sciatore - Song of the skier | |
Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti dell’Uomo - Universal declaration of the Rights of the Man | |
sotto | |
1. prep. under, beneath, underneath | |
2. prep. below, south of | |
3. adv. down | |
4. adv. underneath | |
5. adv. below |
Review previous phrases
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di poco | a turno | stare zitto | a ragione |
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