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Italian Phrase of the Day

in mezzo a


Italian > English
in mezzo a
     1. prep. in the midst of, among, amid, in the middle of
     1. prep. in
           Ho qualcosa in tasca. - I have got something in my pocket.
           Partirò in primavera. - I will be leaving in spring.
           Vado in quinta elementare. - I'm in fifth grade of elementary school.
     2. prep. to
     1. n. half, middle
     2. n. means, method
     3. n. vehicle
     4. adj. half
     5. adj. overripe (of fruit)
a  ©
     1. prep. in
     2. prep. at
     3. prep. to
     4. prep. Indicates the direct object, mainly to avoid confusion when it, the subject, or both are displaced, or for emphasis
           A me non importa. - To me it doesn’t matter.

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