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Italian Phrase of the Day

prendere il sole


Italian > English
prendere il sole
     1. v. to sunbathe, to sun
prendere  ©
     1. v. to take, hold
           gli studenti prendono appunti. - the students take notes.
     2. v. to get, buy
     3. v. to pick up
     4. v. to eat, drink
il  ©
     1. art. the
     1. n. (colloquial, astronomy) star (for extension of Sole)
     2. n. (heraldry) sun (a star in heraldry)
     3. n. (alchemy) gold
     4. n. sunlight
     5. n. (poetic) daytime, day (the interval between sunrise and sunset)
          1. adj. alone, by oneself, unattended, unaccompanied, lonely, lone, lonesome
          2. adj. only, single, just one, unique, sole
          3. adj. (music) solo
          4. adv. only, just, but, alone, merely
                solo una volta - only once

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