Italian > English |
prendere il sole |
1. v. to sunbathe, to sun |
Analysis |
prendere |
1. v. to take, hold |
gli studenti prendono appunti. - the students take notes. |
2. v. to get, buy |
3. v. to pick up |
4. v. to eat, drink |
il |
1. art. the |
sole |
1. n. (colloquial, astronomy) star (for extension of Sole) |
2. n. (heraldry) sun (a star in heraldry) |
3. n. (alchemy) gold |
4. n. sunlight |
5. n. (poetic) daytime, day (the interval between sunrise and sunset) |
solo |
1. adj. alone, by oneself, unattended, unaccompanied, lonely, lone, lonesome |
2. adj. only, single, just one, unique, sole |
3. adj. (music) solo |
4. adv. only, just, but, alone, merely |
solo una volta - only once |