lezione |
1. n. lesson (also figuratively), class, lecture |
di |
1. prep. (ngd, Used to indicate possession, after the thing owned and before the owner); ’s |
2. prep. from |
3. prep. ’s |
4. prep. than |
5. prep. (ngd, Used in superlative forms); in, of |
6. prep. about, on, concerning |
7. prep. (ngd, Expresses composition); of, made of, in or more often omitted |
8. prep. (followed by an infinitive) to or omitted |
9. prep. (ngd, Used with the definite article in partitive constructions); some |
10. prep. ngd, Used in some expressions in a partitive-like function, often without article. |
inglese |
1. adj. English |
2. n. Englishman |
3. n. (in the plural) English people, British people, the English, the British |
4. n. English (language) |
5. n. Englishwoman |
numero |
1. n. number |
2. n. numeral, figure, digit |
3. n. sketch; short and often humorous or satirical scene or play. |
4. v. first-person singular present indicative of numerare |
numerare |
1. v. to number |
2. v. to count |
1 |
Il |
libro |
1. n. book |
2. n. (botany) phloem |
3. n. omasum |
è |
1. v. third-person singular present indicative of essere; is |
essere |
1. v. (intransitive, indicating existence, identity, location, or state) to be, to stay |
2. v. (auxiliary, used to form composite past tense of many intransitive verbs) to have (done something); to |
3. v. (impersonal, of a duration of time since an event) to have passed |
4. n. being |
sulla |
1. contraction. contraction of su la; on the |
su |
1. adv. up, upstairs |
2. interj. come on! |
3. prep. on, upon, onto, on top |
4. prep. over |
5. prep. about, on |
6. prep. above |
7. prep. in, out of |
la |
1. art. the |
2. pron. (accusative) her, it |
3. pron. (accusative, formal) you (term of respect) |
4. n. (music) la (musical note) |
5. n. (music) A (musical note and scale) |
tavola |
1. n. (furniture) table |
2. n. table (grid of data) |
3. n. board, panel, plank, slab (thin piece of wood or other material) |
4. n. plate (illustration) |
5. n. (art) painting |