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Italian Sentence of the Day


Riusciva appena a ricordarsi la prima strofa.


He could barely remember the first verse.


     1. v. third-person singular imperfect of riuscire
          1. v. (indtr, it, a, di, in, intr=1) to succeed, to manage, to be able to
          2. v. to be, to prove, to find
          3. v. to go out again
     1. adv. barely, hardly
     2. adv. just, recently, newly
     3. adv. as soon as
     4. adv. In the meaning 3, note that non appena has the same meaning as appena.
     1. prep. in
     2. prep. at
     3. prep. to
     4. prep. Indicates the direct object, mainly to avoid confusion when it, the subject, or both are displaced, or for emphasis
     5. v. misspelling of ha
     1. v. pronomial of ricordare
     2. v. to remember, recall, recollect
     1. art. the
     2. pron. (accusative) her, it
     3. pron. (accusative, formal) you (term of respect)
     4. n. (music) la (musical note)
     5. n. (music) A (musical note and scale)
     1. adj. feminine singular of primo
     2. adv. before
     3. adv. once, formerly
     4. adv. beforehand, in advance
     5. adv. earlier, sooner
     6. n. the first
     7. n. an opening night; a premier
     8. n. the first year at school
          1. adj. first
          2. adj. initial
          3. adj. main, principal
          4. adj. (mathematics) prime
          5. n-m. first, first one
          6. n-m. initial one
          7. n-m. main one, principal one
          8. n-m. former (first of aforementioned two items. Used with the, often without a noun)
          9. n. (culinary) (clipping of primo piatto); first course, starter
     1. n. strophe

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