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The Italian word for to look is

to look

Italian Definition

     1. verb. guardare, vedere (intransitivo, generalmente richiede la preposizione "at" o "in")
           look at me - guardami
           look at my new car - guarda la mia nuova auto
           look in the closet - guarda nel cassetto
     2. verb. sembrare, apparire
           he looks older than he actually is - sembra più vecchio di quanto non sia
           this trousers look nice - questi pantaloni sembrano carini
     3. verb. cercare qualcuno o qualcosa (intransitivo, richiede la preposizione "for")
           look for me when you arrive at the airport - cercami quando arrivi all'aeroporto
           I'm looking for my socks - sto cercando i miei calzini
     4. verb. to look ahead
     5. verb. to look at
     6. verb. to look for
     7. verb. to look into
     8. verb. to look in on
     9. verb. to look out
     10. verb. to look forward
     11. verb. to look over
     12. verb. to look through
     13. verb. to look up

Translations for look and their definitions

     1. v. to look at, to watch, to glance or gaze at
     2. v. to examine
     3. v. to look after, to guard
     4. v. (intransitive) to look
     5. v. (intransitive) to try to

     1. n. look, glance, gander

sguardo ©
     1. n. glance, look (action of looking)
           uno squardo verso il cielo
     2. n. look, expression
           aveva lo sguardo felice
     3. n. view
           un bellissimo sguardo sul mare

     1. v. to seem; to look (like); to appear
     2. v. to sound, taste or feel (like)

     1. n. appearance, look
     2. n. aspect, side, angle, point of view
     3. n. feature, aspect
     4. n. (astrology, grammar) aspect
     5. n. waiting
     6. n. (music) pause
     7. v. first-person singular indicative present tense aspettare

     1. v. to overlook, give onto
     2. v. to appear, show oneself, go to

     1. n. dirty look

     1. v. to count
     2. v. to include
     3. v. to tell (a story)
     4. v. (intransitive) to count, to matter
     5. v. (intransitive) to count on someone

     1. v. (intransitive) to appear
     2. v. (intransitive) to seem, to look
     3. v. (intransitive) to grow

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