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The Japanese word for lightning is

いなびかり - inabikari


Japanese Definition

     1. 名詞. 稲妻、閃光。
           Although we did not see the lightning, we did hear the thunder.
     2. 名詞. 雷放電、放電現象を伴う雷。
           The lightning was hot enough to melt the sand.
           That tree was hit by lightning.
     3. 名詞. (figuratively) 素早く動くもの。.
     4. 名詞. (figuratively, アイディアや発想の)閃き。
     5. 名詞. ====(coor)====
     6. 名詞. thunderbolt
     7. 形容詞. 非常に素早い。
     8. 動詞. (impersonal, 幼児語, 又は, nonstandard) 稲妻を起こす。

Translations for lightning and their definitions

     1. n. lightning, a lightning bolt

     1. n. lightning

     1. n. thunder (loud sound caused by expansion of rapidly heated air)
     2. n. lightning, thunderbolt
     3. n. thunder god
     4. n. Usage: This kaminari reading is the most common reading when used as a standalone noun.
     5. n. (obsolete) something ferocious and imposing, a demon or devil
     6. n. (rare) thunder (the sound)
     7. n. (rare) lightning, a thunderbolt
     8. n. a thunder
     9. n. lightning
     10. n. Usage: Used more in compounds than on its own. As a standalone noun, the kaminari reading is the most common.
     11. affix. thunder
     12. affix. thunderous, noisy
     13. affix. famous
     14. affix. large, explosive weapon

     1. n. (a flash of) lightning
     2. n. (dialect Kagoshima) (a flash of) lightning
     3. n. Usage: 稲光 is an autumn

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