240 |
notte |
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1. n. night |
241 |
terra |
1. n. ground |
2. n. (colloquial, atechnical synonym of suolo, t=(l, it, terreno”, “soil)) soil |
3. n. (colloquial, astronomy, by extension of Terra) planet |
242 |
bella |
1. n. beauty, belle (beautiful woman) |
2. n. sweetheart |
3. n. fair copy (final draft of a piece of writing) |
4. n. showdown (deciding match) |
5. n. a Renaissance-style ceramic plate decorated with portraits of young women. |
bello |
1. adj. nice, fair, fine, pleasant; beautiful (of the weather etc.) |
2. adj. good-looking, handsome; beautiful (of a person) |
3. adj. considerable (quantity) |
243 |
stati |
1. n. plural of it |
2. v. masculine plural past participle of essere |
3. v. masculine plural past participle of stare |
4. v. masculine plural past participle of starsene |
stato |
1. n. (sciences) state (physical property of matter as solid, liquid, gas or plasma) |
2. n. (polity) state sovereign polity; a government |
3. n. state (a condition; a set of circumstances applying at any given time) |
4. n. state (condition of prosperity or grandeur; wealthy or prosperous circumstances; social importance) |
5. n. rank, status |
244 |
sulle |
1. contraction. contraction of su le; on the |
su |
1. adv. up, upstairs |
2. interj. come on! |
3. prep. on, upon, onto, on top |
4. prep. over |
le |
1. art. the |
2. pron. (accusative) them (third-person plural feminine) |
3. pron. (dative) her, to her |
245 |
stessa |
1. adj. feminine singular of stesso |
2. pron. feminine singular of stesso |
stesso |
1. adj. same, equal |
2. adj. -self, myself, yourself, himself, itself, myself |
3. pron. (the same person) same, same person, same man |
4. pron. (the same thing) same, same thing |
5. adv. all the same, just the same, the same, anyway |
246 |
insieme |
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1. adv. together |
Lavoriamo insieme. - We work together. |
2. adv. at the same time |
3. n. (mathematics) set |
4. n. whole, ensemble, group |
247 |
figlio |
1. n-m. (often, in the plural) child (of unspecified sex, in relation to their parents) |
Quanti figli avete? - How many children do you have? |
2. n-m. son |
È mio figlio. - He is my son. |
3. v. first-person singular present indicative active of figliare |
248 |
miei |
1. adj. masculine plural of mio |
2. n. (informal) one's parents |
devo chiamare i miei - I have to call my parents |
mio |
1. pron. (used attributively) my; of mine |
2. pron. (used predicatively) mine |
249 |
almeno |
1. adv. at least |
2. conj. if only! |
Almeno piovesse! - If only it rained! |
250 |
aver |
1. v. apocopic form of avere |
251 |
fanno |
1. v. third-person plural present of fare |
fare |
1. v. to do |
2. v. to make |
3. v. to act |
4. v. to get someone to be something |
5. n. manner, way |
252 |
film |
1. n. film, movie |
Guardi dei film? - Do you watch movies? |
253 |
fra |
1. prep. between |
2. prep. among |
3. prep. in (expression of time) |
Vi sarò fra due minuti - I'll be there in two minutes |
4. n. (slang) bro, brother |
254 |
altre |
1. adj. feminine plural of altro |
2. pron. feminine plural of altro |
altro |
1. adj. other, another, more, further, else |
2. adj. previous, last |
3. pron. other, other man, another, more, somebody else |
255 |
mani |
1. n. plural of it |
giungere le mani - to join one's hands together |
mano |
1. n. (anatomy) hand |
2. n. band, company (Boccaccio; v. manus) |
3. n. round |
256 |
dico |
1. v. first-person singular present of dire |
dire |
1. v. to say, tell |
2. v. to recite |
3. v. to mean |
4. v. to think |
5. v. to admit |
257 |
devo |
1. v. first-person singular present of dovere (I must) |
dovere |
1. v. to owe |
2. v. (auxiliary) to have to do something (must) |
3. n. duty |
258 |
persone |
1. n. plural of persona |
persona |
1. n. person, people, persons |
2. n. someone, somebody, anybody |
3. n. body, figure |
4. n. (law) person, body |
5. n. (psychology) persona |
259 |
parole |
1. n. plural of parola |
Ci vogliono fatti e non parole. - Action is needed, not words. |
2. n. (music) lyrics, words |
Musica di Paolo, parole di Lorenzo - Music by Paolo, lyrics by Lorenzo. |
parola |
1. n. word (distinct unit of language). |
2. n. word (something promised). |
3. n. speech (the ability to use vocalisations to communicate). |