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600 piazza
     1. n. square, plaza
     2. n. market
     3. n. space, post
     4. n. (Rome, figuratively) A bald area on the scalp.
     5. v. third-person singular present indicative of piazzare
          1. v. to place or put
          2. v. to land (a punch)
          3. v. to sell
601 parlato
     1. v. past participle of parlare (feminine: parlata, masculine plural: parlati, feminine plural: parlate)
          1. v. to talk
          2. v. to speak
          3. v. (heraldry) to cant
602 serie
     1. n. series
     2. n. set, row, range
     3. n. (sports) division, league
     4. adj. feminine plural of adjective serio
603 dobbiamo
     1. v. first-person plural present indicative of dovere
     2. v. first-person plural present subjunctive of dovere
          1. v. to owe
          2. v. (auxiliary) to have to do something (must)
          3. n. duty
604 ruolo
     1. n. role
605 popolo
     1. n. people
     2. v. first-person singular present indicative of popolare
          1. adj. of the people, people's, popular
          2. adj. folk, vernacular
          3. adj. popular, pop, widespread, hot
          4. adj. working-class
          5. adj. (plural; of prices) low, cheap
606 anch'io
     1. contraction. contraction of anche io; me too
          1. adv. also, too, as well, besides
          2. adv. even
          3. n. plural of anca
          1. n. (anatomy) hip
          1. pron. I, the first person
607 teatro
     1. n. theater, theatre (all meanings)
608 forma
     1. n. form
     2. n. shape
     3. n. mould
     4. v. third-person singular present indicative of formare
     5. v. second-person singular imperative of formare
          1. v. to form, create, shape, make, mould
          2. v. to form, establish, set up, create, make up
          3. v. to train, educate
609 direttore
     1. n-m. manager, director
     2. n-m. (of a newspaper etc.) editor
     3. n-m. (music, of an orchestra) conductor
     4. n-m. (of a school) headmaster, head, principal, master, warden
     5. n-m. (of a prison) governor, warden
610 scritto
     1. v. past participle of scrivere (feminine: scritta, masculine plural: scritti, feminine plural: scritte)
     2. adj. written
     3. n. a letter (communication)
     4. n. (in the plural) writings
          1. v. to write, pen
          2. v. to spell
611 nostre
     1. pron. ours
612 piccola
     1. adj. feminine singular of piccolo
     2. n. A small glass of beer.
          1. adj. small
          2. adj. little
          3. adj. young
613 entrare
     1. n. entrance, entry, place of entering
     2. n. beginning, start
614 lascia
     1. v. third-person singular present indicative of lasciare
     2. v. second-person singular imperative of lasciare
          1. v. to leave (leave something behind)
          2. v. to let
615 stessi
     1. adj. plural of stesso
     2. pron. plural of stesso
     3. v. first-person singular imperfect subjunctive of stare
     4. v. second-person singular imperfect subjunctive of stare
          1. v. (intransitive) to stay, remain
          2. v. (intransitive, followed by a) to keep, stick
          3. v. (intransitive, followed by a gerund) to be doing something (present continuous)
          1. adj. same, equal
          2. adj. -self, myself, yourself, himself, itself, myself
          3. pron. (the same person) same, same person, same man
          4. pron. (the same thing) same, same thing
          5. adv. all the same, just the same, the same, anyway
616 insomma
     1. adv. in short, in sum, in a word, in conclusion
     2. adv. then, well, after all
     3. interj. well, well then
     4. interj. so-so
           come vanno le cose? insomma - how are things? so-so
617 attimo
     1. n. moment, instant, second
           aspetta un attimo! - wait a second (or moment)
           fare qualcosa in un attimo - to do something quickly
     2. n. bit
           sono un attimo in ritardo - I'm a bit late
618 lasciato
     1. v. past participle of lasciare (feminine: lasciata, masculine plural: lasciati, feminine plural: lasciate)
          1. v. to leave (leave something behind)
          2. v. to let
619 finita
     1. Participle. feminine singular of finito
          1. v. past participle of finire
          2. adj. finished
          3. adj. finite
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