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     1. prefix. metalkana
     2. prefix. money
     3. prefix. firmness, strength
     4. prefix. completely, entirely
     5. n. moneykane
241 建設
     1. n. construction, building (of a dam, bridge, or other large project)kensetsu
     2. n. establishment of an organization
     3. v. construct, build (a large project, e.g. a dam, a bridge, a skyscraper, etc.)
     4. v. establish an organization
     1. suffix. group, faction, (political) wing, schoolha
           猫派 - a cat person
           あなたはいぬ派、それともねこ派? - literally Are you on the dog-side/group or on the cat-side/group?
243 続く
     1. v. (ja-vp, 続ける, 続く)tsuzuku
     2. v. to continue
     3. v. to happen consecutively, continue in a row
     4. v. to lead to
     5. v. to succeed, follow after
244 影響
     1. n. influence, effecteikiu
     2. v. to influence, to have an effect upon
245 文化
     1. n. culturebunka
     1. suffix. department, sectionka
     2. suffix. (taxonomy) family
     3. n. crime; wrongdoingtoga
     1. n. (the) outsidesoto
           箱の外 - outside of the box
           外は雨 - literally outside is rain
     2. n. other (things); the resthoka
     3. n. (the) outsideto
248 デビュー
     1. n. a debut
     2. n. (by extension) getting started
           ロリィタ デビュー - getting started with Lolita fashion
     3. n. Usage: デビュー is narrower in meaning than 台頭 or 登場, and is generally limited to describing someone making an appearance for the first time.
     4. v. デビュー + する
     1. counter. machines, especially vehicles or computersdai
           一家に一台! - stock phrase, sometimes humorously used to refer to people
     2. suffix. tables, beds
     3. suffix. level, especially of price
           100点台 - around 100 points
250 情報
     1. n. informationjiuhou
           貴重な情報を得る - pick up valuable information
     2. n. news
     3. n. gossip
251 そして
     1. conj. and, and thensoshite
     2. conj. thus, and now
     3. conj. like that
           そして見ると… - When looked at in that way…
     4. conj. Usage: * (ja-uk)
252 航空
     1. n. aviationkoukuu
     1. affix. villageson
     2. affix. local administrative division
254 政治
     1. n. politicsseiji
255 同様
     1. adj. equal, samedouyou
     2. n. equality
256 販売
     1. n. sale, sellinghanbai
     2. v. sell
     1. n. facemen
           面あり! - (kendo) Face hit!
     2. n. surface
     3. n. mask
           天狗のお面 - tengu mask
258 異なる
     1. v. to differkotonaru
     2. v. to vary
     3. v. to disagree
259 担当
     1. n. charge of, end, responsibility for an area of worktantou
     2. n. one who is in charge
           2年生の担当です。 - I am in charge of the 2nd-grade class.
     3. n. (host industry) host / hostess who attends to a patron
     4. v. be in charge, handle an area of responsibility
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