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260 最も
     1. adv. most, -estmotomo
     1. n. (chiefly Buddhist) a templetera
     2. suffix. (chiefly Buddhist) a templeji
262 攻撃
     1. n. an attackkougeki
           攻撃は無駄だった。 - The attack was in vain.
     2. v. to attack
     3. v. 攻撃 + する
     4. v. (neologism Internet slang) (synonym of ja, 攻撃, tr=kōgeki, t=to attack)
263 人口
     1. n. populationjinkou
264 ながら
     1. part. while, during, while doing (verb)nagara
           お茶を飲みながら話しましょう。 - Let's talk over tea.
           歩きながら話しましょうか。 - Shall we talk and walk?
     2. part. though, notwithstanding
     3. part. both (doing verb)
265 及び
     1. conj. and, as well asoyobi
     2. conj. Usage: * (ja-uk, および)
     3. conj. Usage: * Used in conjunction with 並びに to form complex lists, particularly in legal contexts. Narabi ni divides subsets within the list while oyobi is used to conjoin more closely related
      Usage: **     國務大臣%及び法律の定めるその他の官吏の任免%竝びに全權委任狀%及び大使%及び公使の信任狀を認證すること。 - Attestation of the appointment and dismissal of Ministers of State and other officials as provided for by law, and of full
     4. n. reach
     1. n. ward, section, districtku
     1. n. a horseuma
     2. n. (shogi) a promoted bishop
     3. n. a sawhorse: a four-leg stand made of wood or iron for supporting other materials
     4. n. Usage: As with many terms that name organisms, this term is often spelled in katakana, especially in biological contexts, as ウマ
     5. n. (obsolete) a horsemuma
268 プロ
     1. n. professional (プロフェッショナル)
     2. n. production (プロダクション)
     3. n. proletarian (プロレタリア, プロレタリアート)
     4. n. prostitute (プロスチチュート)
     5. n. proportion (プロポーション)
269 経済
     1. n. economics; the study of economicskeizai
           「こちらは経済専攻の鈴木さんです。」 - "This is Mr. Suzuki, who majors in economics.".
     2. n. economy
           経済が発展すると、人の暮らしは豊かになる。 - When economies develop, peoples' lives get better.
           アメリカ経済が持ち直してくれば - If the American economy recovers
270 付ける
     1. v. (ja-vp, 付ける, 付く)tsukeru
     2. v. attach, affix, stick, fasten, add, add on, append; set, put, put one thing on another
           コップに口を付ける - Put one's lips to a glass
     3. v. apply, put on
     4. v. leave a mark on
271 地区
     1. n. zone (area distinguished on the basis of a particular characteristic etc)chiku
272 与える
273 それぞれ
     1. n. each, every, either, respectively, severallysorezore
           彼らはそれぞれ賞をもらった。 - They each received a prize.
274 年間
     1. n. the period of one yearnenkan
     1. n. water (gloss-lite, sometimes cold and/or fresh)mizu
           (syn-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, ウオーター, tr=uōtā, ウォーター, tr2=wōtā, がっこ, tr3=gakko, q3=Tsugaru)
           (ant-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 湯, tr1=yu, pos1=specifically meaning "hot water")
     2. n. drinking water
           (syn-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 飲水, tr=insui, nomimizu, 飲用水, tr2=in'yōsui, 飲料水, tr3=inryōsui)
276 構成
     1. n. configuration, structure, construct, constitutionkousei
           複雑な構成をしている。 - Its structure is quite intricate.
     2. v. compose; constitute
           この建物は2つの区画から構成されている。 - This building consists of two sections.
     3. v. configure
277 路線
     1. n. a traffic route, a train linerosen
           日本初の鉄道路線は新橋・%横浜間であった。 - The first train route in Japan ran from Shimbashi to Yokohama.
     2. n. a course which companies or groups have for a purpose
278 射る
     1. v. shootiru
           弓で射る - to shoot with a bow
     2. v. (rare) shoot
     1. n. rice (gloss-lite, husked grains of the Asian rice plant, Oryza sativa), one of the w, Five Grains, five grainskome
           (hyper, ja, 五穀, tr=gokoku)
     2. n. the Asian rice plant, Oryza sativayone
     3. n. rice (gloss-lite, husked grains of the Asian rice plant, Oryza sativa)
     4. n. (colloquial) an eighty-eight-year-old
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