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420 発見
     1. n. discoveryhaken
     2. v. to discover
           床下から死体が発見された。 - They found a body underneath the floor.
421 契約
     1. n. contract, agreementkeiyaku
     2. v. to enter into a contract
     1. n. trust, faithshin
           信を置く、信を得る - to put one's trust (in something), to gain someone's trust
423 英語
     1. n. the English languageeigo
           私は英語で話すことが出来ます。 - I can speak in English.
           貴方は英語が話せますか? - Can you speak English?
424 生活
     1. n. life; livelihood; daily living.seikatsu
     2. n. Usage: 生活 is distinct from 命 (いのち, inochi, life), because it refers to daily life and livelihood as it is experienced, whereas 命 refers to life as a whole (from birth to death), or as an abstra
     3. v. live a life
425 連合
     1. n. union, alliance, combinationrengou
     2. v. federate, unite, combine
426 自動車
     1. n. automobile, car, motorcarjidoushi
427 指揮
     1. n. command, directionshiki
     2. v. to command, to direct
     1. n. (from 720) coloriro
           目の色が違う猫 - a cat that has eyes of different color
     2. n. (from 797) (figurative) the metaphorical color or mood
     3. n.    one's facial coloring or expression
     4. n.    the shape of one's face or appearance; more specifically, beautiful looks or a beautiful figure
429 自分
     1. n. oneselfjibun
           過去とは違う自分 - a self who is different from the self of the past
           太郎は自分を責めた。 - Taro blamed himself.
     2. n. (first-person pronoun): I, me (often shows the speaker's lower position in a hierarchy than the addressee)
     3. n. (Kansai) you
430 及ぶ
     1. v. (ja-vp, 及ぼす, 及ぶ)oyobu
     2. v. reach, extend to, cover, span, run to
431 ラジオ
     1. n. (from 1924) radio
           (synonyms, ja, ダジオ, tr1=dajio, q1=Kagoshima, 無線, tr2=musen, lit2=wireless)
           ラジオを聞く - listen to the radio
     2. n. (from 1952) (slang dated) broke, having no money; dining and dashing q, punning off of 無線 with the sense of 無銭
           (synonyms, ja, 無銭, tr1=musen, q1=no money, 無銭飲食, tr2=musen inshoku, q2=dining and dashing)
     1. n. (music) a songuta
           氷と炎の歌 - A Song of Ice and Fire
     2. n. (poetry) poetry
     3. n. Usage: * Despite 歌, 唄, and 詩 having the same (ll, ja, 訓読み, kun-yomi) reading of uta: , 詩 refers to modern poetry, , 歌 to songs and classical Japanese poetry (such as ll, ja, 短歌, tanka), and , 唄
     4. affix. a song; to singka
     1. n. a divisionhe
     2. n. something that divides two objects
     3. suffix. the number of overlaps; fold, layere
     4. n. main, principal, importantomo
     5. prefix. heavy, weightyjiu
434 規模
     1. n. scale, scope, extent, dimensionkibo
           規模の経済 - economies of scale
           数千人規模のデモが行われた。 - Thousands took to streets.
435 移籍
     1. n. entering a different household registryiseki
     2. n. moving to a different group
     3. v. enter a different household registry
     4. v. move to a different group
436 思う
437 廃止
     1. n. abolition, abolishment, abrogation, discontinuance, dissolution, repeal, elimination - removal of law or the social system structurehaishi
     2. v. abolish; discontinue; dissolve
438 名前
     1. n. a name (word or phrase indicating a particular person, place, class(,) or thing)namae
     2. n. (more specifically) a given name (excluding the surname)
439 重要
     1. adj. important, significantjiuyou
           あのテストは重要だ。 - That test is important.
     2. n. importance, consequence, significance
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