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440 成功
     1. n. successseikou
     2. n. success in life, achievement in the world
     3. v. succeed
           製品の開発に成功した。 - We successfully developed the product.
     4. v. be successful in life
     1. n. meadow, plain, fieldhara
     2. n. Usage: Specifically refers to a field that is not cultivated.
     3. n. the original thinggen
     4. prefix. the original
           原文、原材料 - original document, original / raw materials
442 予定
     1. n. scheduleyotei
     2. n. plan
     3. n. expectation, estimate
     4. v. be planned
     5. v. expect
443 特別
     1. adj. specialtokubetsu
444 認める
     1. v. to accept, admit, to approve, to allowmitomeru
     2. v. to recognize
           本当だということを認めなければなりません。 - One must recognize that it is true.
     3. v. to acknowledge
     4. v. to concede
445 キャラクター
     1. n. character, a fictitious person or creature
     2. n. personality
           漫画みたいにキャラが立ってる - having a distinct personality, as if they were a comic book character
           ...をするのは田中さんのキャラじゃない - doing ... is unlike Tanaka (is not Tanaka's personality; is out of character for Tanaka)をするのは田%中さんのキャラじゃない, ... を する の は た%なか-さん の キャラ じゃ ない, doing ... is unlike Tanaka (i
     1. n. scrollkan
     2. n. book
     3. affix. reel of books
     4. affix. book; scroll
     5. affix. volume; chapter
447 最高
     1. n. the highest; the best; supreme; the greatestsaikou
448 加える
     1. v. (ja-vp, 加える, 加わる)kuwaeru
     2. v. add, sum up
     3. v. inflict, do harm
     4. v. include, count in
     5. v. increase
449 ここ
     1. pron. (deictically) this place, area, or part (near the speaker). Can be juxtaposed with a phrase withkoko
     2. pron. (deictically) this organization or team (near the speaker). Can be juxtaposed with a phrase with
     3. pron. (anaphorically) this place, area, or part I am talking about (only the speaker knows).
     4. pron. (anaphorically) this organization or team I am talking about (only the speaker knows).
     5. pron. Usage: * The hiragana spelling (ここ) is preferred to the kanji spelling (此処), which is rarely used.
450 バンド
     1. n. band (clothing accessory)
     2. n. band (group of musicians)
           バンドを組もう! - Let's be in a band together! / Let's form a band!
     3. n. band (type of broadcast frequency)
451 再び
     1. adv. again, once morefutatabi
           火山が再び活動を始めた - The volcano has become active again
     2. adv. for the second time
           二度あることは三度ある。 - An event which occurs two times will become three times.
     3. n. a second time
     1. affix. military, martialmu
     2. affix. Usage: Only found in compounds. Not as common as the bu reading.
     3. n. courage, ferocity, valorbu
     4. n. military power, force of arms
     5. n. the act of carrying out military force: a battle, a war
453 実際
     1. n. practice (as opposed to theory)jisai
     2. n. actual condition, actuality
     3. n. (rfv-sense, ja) status quo
     4. adv. indeed, in fact, actually
454 そこ
     1. pron. (deictically) That place, area, or part near you. (near the addressee)soko
           おい、そこのお前ら! - Hey, you all over there!
     2. pron. (deictically) That organization or team near you. (near the addressee)
     3. pron. (anaphorically) The place, area, or part we are talking about. (either the speaker or the addressee knows)
           コンビニ は すぐ そこ だ よ。 - The convenience store is right over there.
455 似る
     1. v. (ja-vp, 似せる, 似る)niru
     2. v. to resemble, look like
           あの人は、昔の彼氏に似ている。 - That man looks like my ex-boyfriend.
     3. v. to be similar to
     1. n. class, group, team, setkumi
     2. suffix. class, group, team, setgumi
457 運転
     1. n. driving, steering (a vehicle)unten
     2. v. to drive
458 専門
     1. n. speciality/specialty; subject of study; subject of expertise; area of interest; professionsenmon
           ご専門は? - What is your area of specialty?
459 出版
     1. n. the selling and distribution of printed works; publication, publishingshipan
     2. v. publish, issue, put out
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