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Conjugation of the German verb kennen

A list of the common conjugations for the German verb kennen, along with their English translations.

kennento be acquainted with

ich kenneI am acquainted with
du kennstyou are acquainted with
er kennthe is acquainted with
sie kenntshe is acquainted with
wir kennenwe are acquainted with
ihr kenntyou are acquainted with
sie kennenthey are acquainted with

Preterite / Präteritum
This is more a literary tense, i.e. a tense used in writing, in everyday speech the Perfekt is used to refer to past actions.
ich kannteI was acquainted with
du kanntestyou were acquainted with
er kanntehe was acquainted with
sie kannteshe was acquainted with
wir kanntenwe were acquainted with
ihr kanntetyou were acquainted with
sie kanntenthey were acquainted with

Past / PerfektScored
ich habe gekanntI was acquainted with
du hast gekanntyou were acquainted with
er hat gekannthe was acquainted with
es hat gekanntshe was acquainted with
wir haben gekanntwe were acquainted with
ihr habt gekanntyou were acquainted with
sie haben gekanntthey were acquainted with

Pluperfect / PlusquamperfektScored
ich hatte gekanntI had been acquainted with
du hattest gekanntyou had been acquainted with
er hatte gekannthe had been acquainted with
es hatte gekanntshe had been acquainted with
wir hatten gekanntwe had been acquainted with
ihr hattet gekanntyou had been acquainted with
sie hatten gekanntthey had been acquainted with

ich werde kennenI will be acquainted with
du wirst kennenyou will be acquainted with
er wird kennenhe will be acquainted with
sie wird kennenshe will be acquainted with
wir werden kennenwe will be acquainted with
ihr werdet kennenyou will be acquainted with
sie werden kennenthey will be acquainted with

Future Perfect / Futur II
The German Future Perfect or Futur II is constructed similarly to English, with the present tense of werden (will), the past participle of the verb and the auxiliary verb haben or sein at the end of the clause.
ich werde gekannt habenI will have been acquainted with
du wirst gekannt habenyou will have been acquainted with
er wird gekannt habenhe will have been acquainted with
es wird gekannt habenshe will have been acquainted with
wir werden gekannt habenwe will have been acquainted with
ihr werdet gekannt habenyou will have been acquainted with
sie werden gekannt habenthey will have been acquainted with

ich würde kennenI would be acquainted with
du würdest kennenyou would be acquainted with
er würde kennenhe would be acquainted with
sie würde kennenshe would be acquainted with
wir würden kennenwe would be acquainted with
ihr würdet kennenyou would be acquainted with
sie würden kennenthey would be acquainted with

Conditional Perfect / Plusquamperfekt Konjunktiv II
The German Conditional Perfect or Plusquamperfekt Konjunktiv II is constructed with the Konjunktiv II tense of the auxiliary verb haben or sein and the past participle.
ich hätte gekanntI would have been acquainted with
du hättest gekanntyou would have been acquainted with
er hätte gekannthe would have been acquainted with
es hätte gekanntshe would have been acquainted with
wir hätten gekanntwe would have been acquainted with
ihr hättet gekanntyou would have been acquainted with
sie hätten gekanntthey would have been acquainted with

Konjunktiv II / Subjunctive IIScored
ich kennteI would be acquainted with
du kenntestyou would be acquainted with
er kenntehe would be acquainted with
sie kennteshe would be acquainted with
wir kenntenwe would be acquainted with
ihr kenntetyou would be acquainted with
sie kenntenthey would be acquainted with

kenn Be acquainted with
kennen wirLet's be acquainted with
kennt Be acquainted with

Present ParticipleScored
kennend is being acquainted with

Past ParticipleScored
gekannt been acquainted with

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