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German Phrase of the Day

zu haben


German > English
zu haben
     adj. available
          —Entschuldigen Sie, ist dieses Gemälde noch zu haben?—Nein, es ist leider schon verkauft. - —Excuse me, is this painting still available/for sale?—No, I’m afraid it’s already been sold.
          Du bist doch ein gut aussehender junger Mann, ich verstehe nicht, warum du noch zu haben bist! - But you’re a good-looking young man; I don’t understand why you’re still available/single!
zu  ©
     prep. to, towards (indicates directionality)
          zum Bahnhof - to the train station
     prep. with respect to; regarding
          Zu Punkt 1 möchte ich bemerken, dass... - With respect to item 1, let me remark that...
     prep. along with; with (accompanying (the main thing in question))
Haben  ©
     n-n. credit
     v. (auxiliary) to have (forms the perfect and past perfect tenses)
          Das habe ich nicht gesagt. - I haven't said that.
     v. to have; to own (to possess, have ownership of; to possess a certain characteristic)
     v. to have; to hold (to contain within itself/oneself)

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