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German Phrase of the Day

zum Teil


German > English
zum Teil
     adv. partly, in part
zum  ©
     contraction. to or for the (contraction of zu + dem)
     contraction. to or for a (contraction of zu + einem)
          prep. to, towards (indicates directionality)
               zum Bahnhof - to the train station
          prep. with respect to; regarding
               Zu Punkt 1 möchte ich bemerken, dass... - With respect to item 1, let me remark that...
          prep. along with; with (accompanying (the main thing in question))
          art. dative singular of der: the
          pron. dative singular of der: to whom, to which
     n. part, piece (of a whole, often in relation to living things or an abstract concept)
          zum großen Teil. - largely.
     n. fraction of a whole
     n. part, piece (a physical object which is used in a greater one, often in relation to inanimate objects)
     n. (colloquial) thing (any object, not limited to those which are part of a greater object)

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