das |
art. singular of der: the |
pron. singular of der |
pron. (relative) who, that, which |
pron. (demonstrative) this, that, it |
pron. (regional, northern Germany) it (subject of an impersonal verb) |
der |
art. the |
art. feminine singular of der |
art. genitive plural of der |
pron. who; that; which |
pron. feminine dative singular of der: (to) whom, which, that |
pron. (attributive, stressed) that |
pron. (indicative) him, he |
pron. (differential) the one, him |
pron. feminine dative singular of der: (to) that, (to) her |
Buch |
n. book (collection of sheets of paper bound together to hinge at one edge; long work fit for publication) |
n. (accounting usually in the plural) books (accounting records) |
n. (rare) omasum, the third compartment of the stomach of a ruminant |
Proper noun. either of two municipalities in the Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany |
gehört |
Participle. past participle of hören |
Participle. past participle of gehören |
v. third-person singular present of gehören |
v. second-person plural present of gehören |
v. plural imperative of gehören |
hören |
v. to hear (to perceive sounds (or a sound) through the ear) |
v. to listen to, pay attention to (to give (someone) one's attention) |
v. to attend, to go to, to sit in on |
v. to get, to receive |
v. to listen (to pay attention to a sound or speech; to accept advice or obey instruction) |
v. to hear (to receive information; to come to learn) |
v. to hear (to be contacted (by)) |
h |
n. (common, not restricted to scientific usage) hour |
gehören |
v. (with dative) to belong to, be the property of |
v. to be a prerequisite for; to be a characteristic of (with zu) |
v. to belong to, be a part of (with zu) |
v. to be proper |
v. ought to be (with the past participle form of the verb) |
geh |
v. singular imperative of gehen |
gehen |
v. to go, to walk |
v. to leave |
v. to leave, to take off (aeroplane, train) |
v. (impersonal, intransitive) to be going; to be all right; indicates how the dative object fares |
v. (slightly, informal, intransitive, often, impersonal) to be possible |
v. (colloquial intransitive) to work, to function (of a machine, method or the like) |
v. (colloquial intransitive) to last, to go for, to go on, to be in progress |
v. to sit, to rise, to expand (of dough etc.) |
v. (colloquial intransitive) to be (on) (to pay) |
v. (regional, or dated, impersonal, intransitive) to approach; to be going (on some one) + auf (object) = time |
v. (with genitive, only in combination with Weg) to go one's way, to make one's way (of a path, destination), to go separate ways |
ihm |
pron. personal dative of er; him, to him (indirect object); for him (in some cases). |
pron. personal dative of es; to it (indirect object); for it (in some cases). |