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German Sentence of the Day


Hier gibt es mit das beste Essen in der Stadt.



     n. (abstract) here, this place.
     adv. (location) here; in this place; refers to an environment one is currently in, or to something within reach
     adv. (location) there; right there; in that place; refers to something that is considered nearby, or can be seen and pointed at
     adv. (abstract) here (within this context)
     adv. used with the definite article or the determiner dieser, , this, that to express proximity (“this”)
     interj. (colloquial) Used for emphasis or to call for attention, often when changing the subject
     v. third-person singular present of geben
          v. (ditransitive) to give (changing ownership)
          v. (ditransitive) to hand, to pass, to put within reach
          v. (impersonal, transitive) Used to indicate that something exists (often with a certain property and/or in a certain location). Usually translated as there be or there exist
          v. (ditransitive, transitive) to communicate (helpful information such as a hint or advice), to signal (in a certain way such as a sign)
          v. to present; to put
          v. to result in
     pron. Nominative and accusative neuter third-person singular personal pronoun
     pron. (Impersonal pronoun used to refer to statements, activities, the environment etc., or as a placeholder/dummy pronoun) — it
     art. (regional, colloquial) alt form-lite, das
     prep. with (in the company of; alongside)
     prep. with, by (using as an instrument; by means of)
     prep. with (as an accessory to)
     prep. with (having)
     prep. at (with the age of)
     prep. with, including, with ... included
     adv. among; denotes a belonging of a person or a thing to a group
     adv. also, too (in addition; besides; as well)
     adv. (somewhat, informal) with (something), with it
     art. singular of der: the
     pron. singular of der
     pron.          (relative) who, that, which
     pron.          (demonstrative) this, that, it
     pron.          (regional, northern Germany) it (subject of an impersonal verb)
          art. the
          art. feminine singular of der
          art. genitive plural of der
          pron. who; that; which
          pron. feminine dative singular of der: (to) whom, which, that
          pron. (attributive, stressed) that
          pron. (indicative) him, he
          pron. (differential) the one, him
          pron. feminine dative singular of der: (to) that, (to) her
     adj. form of gut, ste
          adj. superlative of gut, (best)
     n-n. (gerund of essen); eating
     n-n. meal
     n-n. food
     n-n. groceries
     n. plural of Esse
          n-f. (dialectal) chimney-hood over a stove
          n. existence
     prep. (with dative) in, inside, within, at (inside a building)
     prep. (with dative) in (pertaining to)
     prep. (with dative) in, at, by (at the end of or during a period of time)
     prep. (with accusative) into, to (going inside (of))
     adj. in, popular (in fashion)
     art. the
     art. feminine singular of der
     art. genitive plural of der
     pron. who; that; which
     pron. feminine dative singular of der: (to) whom, which, that
     pron. (attributive, stressed) that
     pron. (indicative) him, he
     pron. (differential) the one, him
     pron. feminine dative singular of der: (to) that, (to) her
     n. city (large settlement)
     n. town (settlement larger than a village)
     n. (metonymy) city center (central business area of a city)
     n. (metonymy) city, town, town council, city council (governing body of people elected to oversee management of a municipality)

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