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German Sentence of the Day


Ich lief heute weiter als sonst.


Today I've run more than usual.


     n. (psychoanalysis) ego
     n. self, me, him, etc.
     pron. I (first person singular nominative (subject) pronoun)
     v. first-person singular preterite of laufen
     v. third-person singular preterite of laufen
          v. to walk; to jog; to run (to move on foot; either at a normal or an increased speed)
          v. to flow; to leak; to run
          v. to be in progress; to run
          v. to happen, to go on, to take place
          v. to run, to execute (a program)
          v. to be in order; to work; to function
          v. to pass; to flow
     adv. today
     adj. comparative of weit
     adv. comparative of weit
     adv. further, farther, more
     adv. on; expresses the continuation of an action
     interj. go on
     interj. next
          adj. wide
          adj. large
          adj. far, distant (of the past or future)
          adj. Denotes a certain point in time or in some process or schedule, or a certain stage of development.
          adv. far
     conj. (subordinating, referring to time of occurrence) at (approximately) the same moment; when; while; as
     conj. (used with a comparison or as an exception) than
     conj. as; like; in the function of; in the form of
     conj. as if
     conj. (after negative pronoun) but, other than
     adv. otherwise (under different circumstances)
     adv. normally, usually (as opposed to a particular case)
     adv. (often with noch) else
     adv. (colloquial) so; then; (consecutive, but directed against an explicit or implicit alternative)

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