vor |
prep. in front of, ahead of (relative location in space) |
prep. before, prior to, ahead of (relative location in time) |
prep. ago (location in the past relative to the present) |
prep. from, against (a threat or negative outcome) |
prep. (what) with, (out) of (stating cause) |
dem |
art. dative singular of der: the |
pron. dative singular of der: to whom, to which |
Eingang |
n. entrance, entry |
n. arrival |
n. input |
n. entrance gate, doorway, hall, passage |
n. orifice |
n. inlet, mouth (of a river) |
n. introduction |
n. importation |
n. access |
n. beginning, preface, preamble, prologue |
n. receipt |
des |
art. genitive singular of der: the |
der |
art. the |
art. feminine singular of der |
art. genitive plural of der |
pron. who; that; which |
pron. feminine dative singular of der: (to) whom, which, that |
pron. (attributive, stressed) that |
pron. (indicative) him, he |
pron. (differential) the one, him |
pron. feminine dative singular of der: (to) that, (to) her |
Gebäudes |
n. genitive singular of Gebäude |
Gebäude |
n. building, edifice, structure |
wurde |
v. first-person singular preterite of werden |
v. third-person singular preterite of werden |
werden |
v. (auxiliary) will; to be going (to do something); forms the future tense |
v. (auxiliary) would; forms the subjunctive tense of most verbs |
v. (auxiliary) to be done; forms the passive voice |
v. (copulative, past participle geworden) to become; to get; to grow; to turn |
v. (with a dative object and certain adjectives) to begin or come to feel or experience (a condition) |
v. (copulative, colloquial) to be, to happen, to occur (in the future) |
v. (colloquial) to be going to work |
eine |
num. feminine singular of ein |
art. feminine singular of ein: a, an |
pron. feminine singular of einer |
pron. masculine nominative singular of einer |
pron. singular of einer |
verdächtige |
v. first-person singular present of verdächtigen |
v. singular imperative of verdächtigen |
v. first-person singular subjunctive of verdächtigen |
v. third-person singular subjunctive of verdächtigen |
verdächtigen |
v. (ditransitive, accusative + genitive) to suspect (a person of something) |
herrenlose |
adj. form of herrenlos |
herrenlos |
adj. abandoned, unclaimed: not evidently belonging to anyone |
Tasche |
n-f. bag |
n-f. pocket |
entdeckt |
Participle. past participle of entdecken |
adj. discovered, detected |
v. third-person singular present of entdecken |
v. second-person plural present of entdecken |
v. plural imperative of entdecken |
entdecken |
v. to discover, to spot, to learn for the first time |