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The German word for bear is



The gender of Bär is masculine. E.g. der Bär.


The plural of Bär is Bären.

German Definition

     [1] Zoologie: Bär (Tierart)
     [2] Börse: Baissier
          [1] Bears have large bodies with powerful limbs.
            Bären haben große Körper mit kraftvollen Gliedmaßen.
          [2] Bears expect prices to fall.
     [1] Menschen, Tiere:
       [a] (transitiv) auch übertragen: gebären, (ein Kind) zur Welt bringen
       [b] selten: (intransitiv) ein Kind gebären
     [2] Pflanzen, besonders Bäume:
       [a] (transitiv) tragen, im Laufe des natürlichen Wachstums (Früchte) hervorbringen
       [b] (intransitiv) Früchte tragen
       [c] übertragen, (transitiv) in Verbindungen wie „bear fruit“: (Erfolg, Ergebnisse) erzielen, (Ertrag) bringen
     [3] (transitiv) tragen (etwas mit den Armen oder auf dem Körper von einem Ort zu einem anderen Ort transportieren)
     [4] reflexiv: sich betragen
     [5] (transitiv) ertragen (eine Situation hinnehmen und deswegen nicht die Beherrschung verlieren oder zusammenbrechen)
     [6] (transitiv) tragen; die Stütze sein, die etwas physisch gegen Herabfallen oder Umfallen sichert
     [7] (transitiv) im Regelfall in Verbindungen: (etwas) drücken, Kraft (auf jemanden) ausüben (auch übertragen)
     [8] (transitiv) überbringen, (eine Nachricht) ausrichten
     [9] (transitiv) in Verbindungen wie „bear witness“: (etwas) bezeugen, (für etwas) Zeugnis ablegen
     [10] (transitiv) (ein Gefühl, besonders ein negatives Gefühl) hegen, in sich tragen
     [11] (intransitiv) sich halten
     [12] (intransitiv) selten: liegen
          [1a] She wanted to bear and raise children.
            Sie wollte Kinder gebären und großziehen.
          [1a] She had borne a son. (Gehoben: A son was born to her.)
            Sie hatte einen Sohn geboren. (Ihr wurde ein Sohn geboren.)
          [1a] And when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister; and said unto Jacob, Give me children, or else I die. (Genesis 30:1 KJV)
            Da Rahel sah, daß sie dem Jakob kein Kind gebar, beneidete sie ihre Schwester und sprach zu Jakob: Schaffe mir Kinder, wo nicht, so sterbe ich. (1 Mose 30:1)
          [1a] Her son was born in 1999.
            Ihr Sohn wurde 1999 geboren.
          [1a] The wallpaper in June's bedroom clung to the wall with a desperation born of old age. It had been there since before her first child was born, thirty-nine years ago.
          [1b] If she urinates, or evacuates, or passes wind at the same moment, she will bear; but if not, she will not bear.
          [2a, 2c] It bore fruit. (im wörtlichen oder übertragenen Sinne)
            Es trug Früchte.
          [2b] The trees usually bear after three years.
          [2c] The Wardens and their boys took enthusiastically to each new technique, some of which bore results, but all of which kept the parents and children glued together.
          [3] Saint Nicholas bears three purses in many artistic depictions.
          [3] Beware Greeks bearing gifts. (Sprichwort)
          [3] A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. (2. Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten)
            Da eine wohl organisierte Miliz für die Sicherheit eines freien Staates notwendig ist, darf das Recht des Volkes, Waffen zu besitzen und zu tragen, nicht beeinträchtigt werden.
          [3] And the flood was forty days upon the earth; and the waters increased, and bare up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth. (Genesis 7:17 KJV)
            Da kam die Sintflut vierzig Tage auf Erden, und die Wasser wuchsen und hoben den Kasten auf und trugen ihn empor über die Erde. (1 Mose 7:17)
          [3] The application bore his signature.
          [4] He bore himself with becoming dignity.
          [5] I can't bear it anymore.
            Ich kann es nicht mehr ertragen.
          [6] The column bears part of the roof.
          [7] Twice or thrice, during the three days' conflict, when the enemy massed his whole army against particular parts of our line to break it, our men were borne back by the mere weight of numbers. It was mechanical pressure, nothing else
          [8] He didn't want to be the one to bear the bad news.
          [9] He bore witness to the attack.
          [10] She bore a grudge against him for the rest of his life.
          [10] If you hate an enemy, you do not bear him ill will, but you are hostile to him. If you hate a slave, you don't bear him ill will, but you are angry with him. So the result of hatred is not always ill will.
          [11] Bear left!
            Halte dich links!
          [11] He bore due north.
            Er hielt sich nach Norden.
          [12] The house bears due north.
            Das Haus liegt im Norden.

Translations for bear and their definitions

     n. gerund of tragen
     n. plural of Trage
     v. to carry, to bear (something on one's person); to wear (clothing)
          Vorsicht, er trägt eine Waffe! - Careful, he's carrying a weapon!
     v. to bear, to carry (responsibility, blame, a name, a title, etc.)
          Ärzte tragen eine große Verantwortung für ihr Handeln. - Doctors carry a great responsibility for their actions.
          Er trägt Schuld an dem Unfall. - He's to blame (lit. He bears blame) for the accident.
     v. to bear, to (have to) pay (for) (costs, expenses, losses, etc.)
          Ohne Versicherung müssen Sie die Kosten leider selbst tragen. - Unfortunately, without insurance you must bear the cost yourself.
     v. to produce, to bear, to yield
          Die Bäume tragen im Herbst Früchte. - The trees bear fruit in the fall.
          Investitionen in die Kultur tragen Früchte in Form von Nationalstolz. - Investments in culture bear fruit in the form of national pride.
     v. to wear (clothing, jewelry)
          Ich trage einen blauen Anzug und eine rote Krawatte. - I'm wearing a blue suit and a red tie.
     v. to support, to maintain
     v. to pay for itself

     n. bear (animal)
     n. bear (someone or something bear-like, e.g. a sturdy man)
     n. large block or hammer for machining things or pile-driving
     n. (obsolete outside compounds) boar

     v. to bear, to stand, to endure, to take, to suffer, to tolerate, to handle

     n. plural of Stütze
     v. to support, to underpin (to keep from falling)
     v. (with preposition auf) to use something or someone for support
     v. to corroborate, to abet
     v. (with preposition auf) to rest, to lean

     v. to stand, to endure (+aux, haben)
     v. to be pending (+aux, haben, sein)
     v. to be overdue (+aux, haben, sein)
     v. to be displayed for sale (+aux, haben, sein)

     n-n. suffering, pain, grief
     n-n. disease
     v. to suffer, to experience pain, sorrow, etc.
          Lerne leiden ohne zu klagen. - Learn to suffer without complaining.
     v. to suffer, bear, endure, undergo, experience (some hardship)
          Er litt höllische Qualen. - He suffered hellish torment.
     v. to suffer from (a disease or condition) (+preo, an)
          Die Gefangenen leiden an Unterernährung. - The prisoners suffer from malnutrition.
     v. to like, tolerate (usually in negative contexts)
          Ich kann ihn einfach nicht leiden! - I just can't stand him!

     n. plural of Aussage
     v. to state
     v. (legal) to testify


Liegen ©
     n. plural of Liege
     v. to lie (to be in a horizontal position)
     v.          (Swiss) to lie down
     v. to be, to lie somewhere (of flat objects, also of inpatients in a hospital; otherwise use sitzen or stehen)
     v. to be located, to lie somewhere (of countries, towns, houses, etc.)
     v. to be, to stand (of indices, measurements)

     v. to render, yield, produce, give, furnish
          einen Beweis erbringen. - to provide a proof.
          eine Leistung erbringen. - to provide a service.
          ein Opfer erbringen. - to make a sacrifice.
          einen Fortschritt erbringen. - to make progress.

     v. to witness, to testify

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