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The German word for bolt is



The gender of Bolzen is masculine. E.g. der Bolzen.

German Definition

     [1] Schraube
     [2] Bolzen
     [3] Blitzstrahl
     [4] Flucht
          [1] My dad has more than 100 different kinds of bolts in his workshop.
            Mein Vater hat mehr als 100 verschiedene Sorten Schrauben in seiner Werkstatt.

Translations for bolt and their definitions

     n. gerund of verriegeln
     v. to bolt

     n-m. bolt; latch
     n-m. short bar (e.g. of chocolate)

     v. to screw (on)

     n-f. screw
     n-f.          most iconically, a screw in the sense of a fluted fastener
                   ux, Solange das deutsche Reich besteht, wird die Schraube nach rechts gedreht., For as long as the German empire exists, we turn the screw to th
     n-f.          a propeller advancing by helical movement
     n-f.          the simple machine called screw
     n-f.          the abstracted form things may acquire called helix
     n-f.          a spiral movement, a spin around the longitudinal axis
     n-f.         # a spiral movement around the longitudinal axis formalized in athletics
     v. first-person singular present of schrauben
     v. singular imperative of schrauben
     v. first-person singular subjunctive of schrauben
     v. third-person singular subjunctive of schrauben


     n-m. bolt (qual, cylindrical pin)
     n-m. bolt (qual, crossbow projectile)
     n-m. penis

     n. gerund of abriegeln
     v. (of a door, etc.) to bar, to bolt
     v. (of an area with barriers) to close off, to block off

     v. to screw together

     n-f. trap
     n-f. (colloquial regional) bed
          Ich hau mich in die Falle. - I'm beating myself into the trap.
          In diesem Falle … - In this case …
     v. first-person singular present of fallen
          Hilfe, ich falle.
            Help I'm falling.
     v. first-person singular subjunctive of fallen
     v. third-person singular subjunctive of fallen
     v. singular imperative of fallen

     n. (botany, also, figuratively) thorn (with plural Dornen) or m
     n. (botany, poetic) thornbush; clipping of Dornbusch (with plural Dorne)
     n. (engineering) bolt (with plural Dorne)

     n-m. (publishing) slipcase
     n-m. (Austria) locking device, bolt, bar

     n-m. (meteorology) a bolt of lightning
          Ein Blitz erhellte die Nacht. - A bolt of lightning lit the night.
     n-m. (photography) flash

     n. gerund of entkommen
     n. escape, getaway
     v. to escape
          Der Fuchs ist der Falle entkommen. - The fox escaped the trap.

     n. plural of Schlinge
     v. to wind
     v. to loop, tie, knot
     v. to wind, coil
     v. to creep, twine
     v. to gobble, to wolf down, to bolt (to eat quickly, often without chewing)

     n. jump, leap
     n. crack
          Die Schüssel hat einen Sprung. - The bowl has a crack.

     n-n. (gerund of schießen)
     v. to shoot; to fire (+aux, haben)
          auf etwas schießen - to shoot at something
          Salut schießen - to fire a salute
     v. (sports) to kick; to shoot +aux, haben
          ein Tor schießen - to score (literally, “to shoot a goal”)
          den Ball ins Tor schießen - to shoot the ball into the goal
     v. (photography) to shoot +aux, haben
     v. (slang) to shoot up +aux, haben
     v. to dart; to shoot; to rush; to gush (+aux, sein)
          durch etwas schießen - to rush through something
          aus etwas schießen - to gush from something

     n. Superseded spelling of Schloss
     v. Alternative form of schloss

     n-m. bale
     n-m. (anatomy) ball, pad
     n. gerund of ballen
     v. to agglomerate
     v. to bale
     v. (fist) to clench
     v. (clouds) to gather

     n-f. roll, reel, spool
     n-f. roll, tube
     n-f. a relatively small wheel on which something is rolled (as on a wheelie bin)
     n-f. (drama, cinematography) role, part
     n-f. roller, castor, pulley
     n-f. (sports) roll
     n-f. (laundry) mangle, wringer
     n-f. (cooking) rolling pin
     n-f. (sociology) role
     v. first-person singular present of rollen
     v. singular imperative of rollen
     v. first-person singular subjunctive of rollen
     v. third-person singular subjunctive of rollen

     n. lightning strike
     n. thunderbolt

     n. gerund of verschlingen
     v. to devour, to swallow up, to eat without chewing

     n. thunderbolt

     v. to spring; to leap; to bounce
     v. to dive; to jump; to vault
     v. to break; to burst; to pop
     v. to run; to dash

     v. to flee; to escape
          Als die Polizei eintraf, war der Räuber bereits geflohen. - When the police arrived, the robber had already fled.
     v. (archaic, poetic) to fly
          Die Vögel fliehen. - The birds are flying (fleeing).
     v. to diverge
          Die Linien fliehen. - The lines diverge.
     v. (higher register) to flee from (someone); to avoid
          Ich fliehe diesen Kerl wie die Pest. - I avoid that guy like the plague.

     n. beam, ray (e.g. of light)
     n. jet (e.g. of water or ink)
     n. frog (part of a horse's hoof)
     n. ray, half-line
     n. (obsolete, until 18th c.) arrow

     v. to go through; to walk through
          Das Tor ist offen. Sie können einfach durchgehen. - The gate is open. You can just go through.
     v. to go all the way (to); to reach as far as
          Die Straße geht durch bis Kirchdorf. - This road goes all the way to Kirchdorf.
     v. to bolt
          Die Pferde sind wegen der lauten Musik durchgegangen. - The horses bolted because of the loud music.
     v. to pass; to be accepted
          Der Antrag ist durchgegangen. - The motion was accepted.
          So dunkel wie er ist, könnte er als Türke durchgehen. - Being as dark as he is, he could pass for a Turk.
     v. to go through; to go over; to read or discuss
          Sie geht ihre Post durch. - She is going through her mail.
          Wir werden heute den ersten Abschnitt des zweiten Kapitels durchgehen. - Today we will go through the first part of the second chapter.

     n. dative plural of Sturz
     v. to fall down, to drop, to tumble
     v. to dash, to rush, to sprint to something
     v. to drop off steeply
     v. to throw, to hurl
     v. to upturn
     v. to overthrow, to oust, to dethrone
     v. to plunge, to dive, to throw oneself
          Ich bin hungrig. Stürzen wir uns auf das Essen. - I'm hungry. Let's dive into the food.

     n. gerund of wegrennen
     v. to bolt, to run, to run away

     n. gerund of ausreißen
     v. to tear out
     v. to uproot (a tree)
          einen Baum ausreißen. - to uproot a tree.
          Ich könnte Bäume ausreißen. - I'm on top of the world (idiom).
     v. to run away

     v. to hurry, to rush
          Ich eilte zum Bahnhof. - I hurried to the railway station.
          Sie eilte nach Hause. - She hurried home.
     v. to be urgent
          Es eilt! - It's urgent!

     v. to run away
          Uns läuft die Zeit davon. - We are running out of time.

     n-n. (gerund of sausen)
     v. to rush
     v. to dash, to whizz

     n. gerund of abhauen
     v. to cut off
     v. to leave abruptly, to do a runner
          Ich hau jetzt ab. - I'm taking off now.
          Hau bloß ab! Dich will ich nicht mehr sehen. - Just get out of here! I don't want to see you.

     v. to hurry away, to hasten away

     n. disappearance
     n. gerund of verschwinden
     v. to disappear, to vanish, to move out of view
          Die Sonne verschwindet hinter Wolken. - The sun is disappearing behind clouds.
     v. to leave, to go away
          Ich verschwinde jetzt besser. - I'd better be going now.

     v. to continue to burn; to burn through (some period of time) (+aux, haben)
          Die Kerze hat die ganze Nacht durchgebrannt. - The candle burnt all through the night.
     v. to burn through (+aux, haben)
     v. to burn through (+aux, sein)
          Die Schutzhülle hat nicht funktioniert. Die Flamme ist einfach durchgebrannt. - The protective cover did not work. The flame simply burnt through.
     v. to blow; to blow out (of a fuse, wire) (+aux, sein)
          Die Glühbirne ist durchgebrannt. - The light bulb has blown out.
     v. to run away, especially with a lover; to elope (+aux, sein)
          Seine Frau ist mit ihrem Jogalehrer durchgebrannt. - His wife eloped with her yoga instructor.


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