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The German word for to breathe is

to breathe

German Definition

     [1] (transitiv) (intransitiv) atmen
     [2] (transitiv) einatmen
          [1] Is he still breathing?
            Atmet er noch?
          [2] In contrast to a fish, Angela breathed air.
            Im Gegensatz zu einem Fische atmete Angela Luft ein.
          [2] He breathed water (and therefore drowned).
            Er atmete Wasser ein (und deswegen ertrank er).

Translations for breathe and their definitions

Atmen ©
     n. breathing
          Das Atmen fällt mir schwer. - It is difficult for me to breathe.
     v. to breathe

     n. gerund of einatmen
     v. to inhale, breathe in

     n. dative plural of Hauch
     v. to whisper
     v. to aspirate

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