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The German word for breeze is



The gender of Brise is feminine. E.g. die Brise.


The plural of Brise is Brisen.

German Definition

     [1] Brise
     [2] Krach
     [3] Kohlenlösche
          [1] "I was not surprised, when I ran down into the hall, to see that a brilliant June morning had succeeded to the tempest of the night; and to feel, through the open glass door, the breathing of a fresh and fragrant breeze."
            Ich war nicht überrascht, als ich in die Halle hinunterlief, um zu sehen, dass ein leuchtender Junimorgen das Gewitter in der Nacht überwunden hatte; und durch die offene Glastür den Hauch einer frischen und duftenden Brise zu fühlen.

Translations for breeze and their definitions

Brise ©
     n-f. breeze

     n-n. diminutive of Wind; breeze

     n. (light) breeze; draught (UK) / draft (US)

     n. (literal) children’s game
     n. (figurative) child’s play, piece of cake

     n. gerund of flitzen
     v. to speed, to whiz, to rush

     n. dative plural of Weh
     n. plural of Wehe
     n. gerund of wehen
     v. to blow (wind, a storm, etc.)
          Der Wind weht heute Morgen kalt und böig. - The wind is blowing cold and gusty this morning.
     v. to flutter, to wave (in the wind); to fly (of a flag)
          Die Nationalflagge wehte über der Einweihung des Präsidenten. - The national flag flew over the President's inauguration.

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