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The German word for can is



The gender of Dose is feminine. E.g. die Dose.


The plural of Dose is Dosen.

German Definition

     [1] zeigt die Fähigkeit an, etwas tun zu können; können
     [2] zeigt die Erlaubnis oder Bestimmung an, etwas zu tun; können, dürfen
          [1] He can speak German, English and French.
            Er kann Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch sprechen.
          [2] You can go by bus but be careful!
            Du kannst/darfst mit dem Bus fahren, aber sei vorsichtig!
     [1] umgangssprachlich: eine Sache beenden; abbrechen
     [2] umgangssprachlich: ein Arbeitsverhältnis für beendet erklären; kündigen
     [3] (Früchte, Obst) kochen, damit es sich länger hält; einmachen
          [1] He canned the project because he thought it would be to expensive.
            Er brach das Projekt ab, weil er dachte, es sei zu teuer.
          [2] The boss canned him because he was unfriendly to him.
            Der Chef kündigte ihm, weil er unfreundlich zu ihm war.
          [3] They spent August canning fruit and vegetables.
            Sie verbrachten den August damit, Früchte und Obst einzumachen.
     [1] ein versiegeltes Behältnis; Dose
     [2] Gießkanne

Translations for can and their definitions

Dose ©
     n-f. box (container made from metal or plastic, less often wood)
     n-f. tin, can (air-tight container for food)
     n-f. (informal, often diminutive) vagina, vulva

     n. gerund of einmachen
     v. to can (to preserve food by heating and sealing in a can or jar)
     v. to fix, to fit into

     n-f. watering can (a container used to carry and dispense water for plants)

     n. gerund of abbrechen
     v. to break off (remove by breaking)
          Der Sturm brach die Spitzen und Äste vieler Bäume ab. - The storm broke off the tops and branches of many trees.
     v. to be broken off
          Der Tassengriff bricht ab. - The cup handle is breaking off.
     v. to terminate, to end, to stop (especially suddenly or unexpectedly)
          Der Athlet musste das Training wegen einer Verletzung abbrechen. - The athlete had to stop training because of an injury.
     v. to pull down (demolish)
          die Brücken hinter sich abbrechen - to burn your bridges behind you
     v. to discard (throw away)

Können ©
     n. (gerund of können); skill, ability
     v. to be able (to do or be something), to have the possibility of; can.
     v.          (auxiliary)
                  Kannst du ihm helfen? - Are you able to help him?
                  Ich hätte das machen können. - I could have done that.
                  Das kann sein, kann aber auch nicht sein. - This may be and may also not be.
                  Das kann es nicht geben. - This is nothing that could possibly exist.
     v.          to be able to do something implied; can.
                  Nein, ich kann nicht. - No, I can’t.
                  Er hat gekonnt. - He was able to do it.
     v.          to know how to do (something); to know; to understand; to be able to do (something); to be capable of; can do (something), to have a specific skill. (w
                  Ich kann Deutsch und Englisch. - I know German and English.
                  Kannst du es? - Can you do it?
                  Das hätte ich nicht gekonnt. - I couldn’t have done that. / I wouldn’t have been capable of that.
     v.          to be possible, to make sense
                  Nächstes Jahr is’n Schaltjahr. – Das kann nich’. Letztes Jahr war doch Schaltjahr! - Next year is a leap year. – That’s not possible. Last year w
     v.          (auxiliary) to be allowed (to do something); to be permitted (to do something); may.
                  Kann ich mitkommen? - May I come along?
                  Er hat nicht ins Kino gehen können. - He was not allowed to go to the cinema.
     v.          (auxiliary) to be in the legal situation of being able to realize a legal effect even if it be legally disallowed

     n. plural of Arschbacke

     n-f. jug, pitcher, pot, can (as in teapot and watering can)
     n-f. (slang) a bottle, typically of beer

dürfen ©
     v. (auxiliary) to be allowed (to do something); to be permitted (to do something); may
          Darf ich gehen? - May I go?
          Ich habe gehen dürfen. - I was allowed to go.
     v. to be allowed or permitted to do something implied or previously stated; may
          Ja, du darfst. - Yes, you may.
          Ich habe es gedurft. - I was allowed to do it.
     v. (subjunctive ii, auxiliary) Expresses a prediction with mild doubt, that something is estimated or probable.
          Der Zug dürfte in ein paar Minuten ankommen. - The train should (will probably) be here in a few minutes.
     v. (colloquial) to must, to have to
          Und ich darf dann wieder hinter euch aufräumen. - And I can clean up after you once again then.
     v. (obsolete, transitive, with genitive) to need, to require

     n. plural of Pobacke

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