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The German word for to drive is

to drive

German Definition

     [1] fahren
     [2] gezwungen sein etwas zu tun
          [1] He drives his new car.
            Er fährt sein neues Auto.
          [2] "It was very essential for Stapleton to get some article of Sir Henry's attire so that, in case he was driven to use the dog, he might always have the means of setting him upon his track."
            „Für Stapelton war es sehr wichtig, einige Kleidungsstücke von Sir Henry zu bekommen, damit er, falls er gezwungen wäre den Hund zu benutzen, etwas hätte, um diesen auf die Spur zu bringen.“
     [1] die Reise in einem Automobil
     [2] die private Verkehrsfläche zwischen der öffentlichen und einem Gebäude
     [3] die geplante oder organisierte, oft vereinte oder längere Maßnahme
     [4] die zum Erstreben eines Ziels führende innere Ursache

Translations for drive and their definitions

     n. drive (self-motivation)
     n. (figurative) vitality, momentum
     n. (golf) drive (stroke made with a driver)
     n. (badminton, tennis) drive (ball struck in a flat trajectory)

Fahren ©
     n. gerund of fahren
     v. (chiefly of a person or animal) to go at speed
          Der Fuchs fährt aus dem Bau. - The fox dashes from his kennel.
          aus der Haut fahren - to fly off the handle
          einen fahren lassen - to blow off, to break wind
          Die Sonne fährt über das Himmelszelt. - The sun moves athwart the firmament.
     v. to go; to run; to drive; to sail
          Autos können schneller fahren als Fahrräder. - Cars can go faster than bikes.
     v.          to leave; to depart
                  Beeil dich! Der Zug fährt jetzt gleich. - Hurry up! The train is departing in a moment.
     v. to go by vehicle; to sail; to travel
          Er fährt wie ein Bekloppter. - He drives like a maniac.
          Wir fahren diesen Sommer nach Holland. - We’re going to Holland this summer. Implying a trip by car, bike, train, or ship.
     v.          to leave and therefor use a vehicle
                  Wir fahren jetzt. - We’re leaving now. (Implying the use of a vehicle.)
     v.          to drive; to ride; to sail (a vehicle)
                  Sie fährt einen roten Wagen. - She drives a red car.
     v.          to take (someone somewhere by vehicle); to drive; to transport
                  Ich fahre dich zum Bahnhof. - I’ll take you to the train station.

     n-f. ride
     n-f. journey
     v. second-person plural present of fahren
     v. plural imperative of fahren

     n. discount, rebate
     n. advance payment
     n. (accounting) markdown
     n. (sports) kick off
     n. (golf) drive

     n. (gerund of treiben) (in all its senses)
     v. to drive (e.g. livestock); to propel; to force (+aux, haben)
     v. to put forth; to produce; to sprout (+aux, haben)
     v. to urge (+aux, haben)
     v. to fuck (+aux, haben)
     v. to do, to get up to (+aux, haben)
          Was treibst du denn so den ganzen Tag? - What do you get up to all day?
     v. to drift; to float about (+aux, sein)
     v. to sprout (+aux, sein)

     n. motive, incentive, motivation, drive
     n. drive (device for moving a machine, vehicle, etc)
     n. propulsion
     v. first-person singular preterite of antreiben
     v. third-person singular preterite of antreiben

     v. to force; to compel; to make (someone do something)
          Ich wurde gezwungen, sie zu heiraten. - I was forced to marry her.
     v. to necessitate; to call for

Weg ©
     n. path, trail, track (usually for foot traffic)
          Der Wald kann gefährlich sein, also bleib auf dem Weg. - The forest can be dangerous, so stay on the path.
     n. route, way (to get from one place to another)
          Kennst du den Weg nach Schönebeck? - Do you know the way to Schönebeck?
          auf dem Weg - on the way
     n. method, way (of doing something)
          Wir haben einen Weg gefunden, Milch aus Hafer zu erhalten. - We found a way to extract milk from oats.
          Mittel und Wege - ways and means
     n. (with preposition) someone's planned course or path, the space needed for movement
          in den Weg - in the way
          aus dem Weg - out of the way
     adv. away
          Geh weg! - Go away!
     adv. gone, not there
          Meine Tasche ist weg. - My bag is gone.
          Das Rezept ist mit Knoblauch, aber du kannst ihn auch weglassen. - ... you can also leave it away.
     adv. (now rare) minus
     adv. (regional, Westphalia) from
          Wo bist du denn weg? - And you, where do you come from?
     adv. (informal) unconscious; passed out
     adv. (informal) hammered; so drunk as being close to unconsciousness

     v. to beat; to hit; to knock; to strike; to punch; to hammer; to pound
     v. to beat; to win against; to defeat
     v. to beat; to strike repeatedly; to pound
     v. to beat; to whip; to mix food in a rapid aerating fashion
     v. (of a clock) to chime
     v. to fight

     n. sprout
     n. (psychoanalysis) drive (desire or interest)
     n. urge, impulse, desire
     v. first-person singular preterite of treiben
     v. third-person singular preterite of treiben

     n-f. slip road, on-ramp (portion of a road used for entering a motorway)
     n-f. (Swiss) Ascension of Christ
     v. second-person plural present of auffahren

     n. (computing) drive
     n. part of a clockwork mechanism
          Das Gehwerk oder (seltener) das Laufwerk ist ein Teil einer mechanischen Uhr, der Antrieb und Schwingsystem verbindet. (The movement or (more rarely) running gear is a part of a mechanical cloc
     n. chassis part of a railroad car
     n. chassis part of a tracked vehicle

     n. gerund of antreiben
     v. to drive; to drive on; to propel
     v. to incite, to impel

     v. to smash
     v. to gouge
     v. to strike (of lightning)
     v. (colloquial) to be a hit
     v. to take (a path etc.)
     v. to turn (a vehicle using a steering wheel)
     v. (forestry) to fell
     v. to wrap up (in order to protect it)
     v. to warm up

     n-f. entry, entrance, way in
     n-f. driveway
     v. second-person plural present of einfahren

     n-f. a driveway to a property or building.

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