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The German word for to fall is

to fall

German Definition

     [1] fallen
          [1] Suddenly he fell on the ground.
            Plötzlich fiel er auf den Boden.
          [1] "The season was cold and rainy, and in the evenings we crowded around a blazing wood fire, and occasionally amused ourselves with some German stories of ghosts, which happened to fall into our hands."
     [1] vor allem (US-amerikanisch) Herbst
     [2] nur Plural: Wasserfall

Translations for fall and their definitions

Fall ©
     n. fall, drop (the act of falling or an instance thereof)
          freier Fall - free fall
     n. fall, capture (the act of being seized by enemy forces)
          der Fall von Konstantinopel - the fall of Constantinople
     n. fall; the loss of one's innocence, honour, reputation, fortune, etc.
     n. case (actual event, situation, or fact)
          Im Falle eines Falles. - in case of an emergency.
     n. case (instance or event as a topic of study)
     n. case (piece of work subject to case handling in an authority, court, customer support etc.)
     n.          (medicine) case (instance of a specific condition or set of symptoms)
     n. (grammar) case (kind of inflection of a nominal)
     n. (nautical) halyard
     v. singular imperative of fallen
     v. colloquial of

Fallen ©
     n. plural of Falle
     n. plural of Fall
     n. gerund of fallen
     v. to fall; to drop
          Der Regen fiel wie aus Eimern. - It rained cats and dogs. (literally: 'The rain fell as if out of buckets.')
          Sie fiel zu Boden. - She fell to the floor.
     v. to die; to fall in battle; to die in battle; to be killed in action
     v. to fall, to collapse, to be overthrown.
          Das Römische Reich fiel auf Grund der Völkerwanderung. - The Roman Empire was overthrown by the consequences of the Migration period.
     v. to become lower, to decrease, to decline
          Zur Zeit der Finanzkrise fielen viele Aktienkurse um zahlreiche Prozentpunkte. - During the banking scandal many stock prices decreased by a large percentage.

     n. demise, downfall, decline, comedown
     n. (nautical) companionway

     n. (religion) the Fall (of Man)
     n. fall from grace

     n. fall, downfall, doom
     n. (nautical) sinking
     n. (astronomy) setting

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