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The German word for fast is


German Definition

     [1] schnell
          [1a] The car is fast as lightning.
            Das Auto ist schnell wie der Blitz.
          [1b] He moved fast.
            Er bewegte sich schnell.
     [1] fasten
          [1] „During Lent, many of the faithful commit to fasting or giving up certain types of luxuries as a form of penitence.“
            Während der Fastenzeit verpflichten sich viele Gläubige dazu, zu fasten oder gewisse Arten von Luxus aufzugeben als eine Form von Buße.

Translations for fast and their definitions

     n-f. (religion) fasting period
     n-f. (Christianity) Lent

     n. fasting
     v. to fast
     v. first-person plural preterite of fasen
     v. third-person plural preterite of fasen
     v. first-person plural subjunctive of fasen
     v. third-person plural subjunctive of fasen

schnell ©
     adj. quick, fast
          Er fährt ein schnelles Auto. - He is driving a fast car.
          Ich brauche eine schnelle Antwort. - I need a quick answer.
     adv. quickly
     adv. again; quick; used after a question to imply that one ought to know the answer
          Wie heißt er schnell? - What’s his name again?

Tief ©
     n. (meteorology) low
     adj. (also, figuratively) deep
          Wie tief ist das Wasser? - How deep is the water?
          Sie hat ein tiefes Verständnis der russischen Kultur. - She has a deep understanding of Russian culture.
     adj. low (situated close to, or below, the ground)
          Du hast das Bild zu tief gehängt. - You hung the picture too low.
     adj. (figuratively, Switzerland) low (small, not high in amount or quantity, value, etc.)
          tiefere Abgaben - lower taxes
     adv. deeply, profoundly
     adv. thoroughly, in depth

     adj. colourfast

     n. celebration, festival, party
     adj. firm; compact; hard
     adj. firm; fixed; rigid
     adj. firm; steadfast

     Participle. past participle of befestigen
     v. second-person plural present of befestigen
     v. third-person singular present of befestigen
     v. plural imperative of befestigen

     adj. constant, stable, steady, abiding, enduring
          Nichts ist so beständig wie der Wandel. - Nothing is so constant as change. (Proverb)
     adj. (often with gegen) resistant

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