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The German word for fine is


German Definition

     [1] ausgezeichnet
     [2] dünn
     [3] fein
     [4] schön
     [1] Bußgeld, Geldbuße, Geldstrafe
     [2] Ordnungsgeld
     [3] Ordnungsstrafe
     [1] Önologie, Weinbau: klären, läutern
     [2] Önologie, Weinbau: schönen
     [3] fine somebody: jemanden mit einer Geldstrafe belegen

Translations for fine and their definitions

     n. (legal) a fine for a non-criminal act (e.g. speeding, breaking a contract, etc.)

     adj. fine (not rough, coarse, or thick)
          sehr feines Mehl - very fine flour
          ein feiner Sinn - a fine sense
     adj. (dated, except in certain expressions) fine; very good; as it should be
          ein feiner Kerl - a fine young man
     adj. refined; posh; fancy
          ein feines Restaurant - a fancy restaurant
     adj. (with zu and often reflexive dative) too good; not willing to do something or associate with it because one thinks it beneath one
          Er ist (sich) zu fein zum Abwaschen. - He thinks himself too good for doing the dishes.
          Er ist (sich) zu fein für uns. - He thinks himself too good for our company.

     n-f. (legal) a fine for a non-criminal act (e.g. speeding, breaking a contract, etc.)

     n-f. (legal) criminal fine (payment levied for an act that constitutes a crime)

     adj. fantastic; marvelous; wonderful; splendid; glorious; lovely
          Heute ist ein herrlicher Tag! - Today is a wonderful day!

     adj. sexy

Gut ©
     n. commodity, property, possession, good
     n. a large farmstead, estate related to agriculture.
     adj. good (acting in the interest of what is beneficial, ethical, or moral)
          Wir müssen gut sein, um uns gut zu fühlen. - We must be good to feel good.
     adj. good (effective; useful)
     adj. good (fortunate)
     adj. good (having a particularly pleasant taste)
     adj. all right, fair, proper (satisfactory)
     adj. good (full; entire; at least as much as)
     adv. well (accurately, competently, satisfactorily)
          Die Mannschaft hat gut gespielt. - The team played well.
     adv. a little more than (with measurements)
          Ich wohne seit gut zwanzig Jahren in Berlin. - I've lived in Berlin for over twenty years/for a good twenty years.
          Das Bett ist gut zwei Meter lang. - The bed is a little over two meters long.
     adv. easily, likely
          Dieser Gegenstand ist gut zu finden. - That item is easily found.
          Es kann gut sein, dass du nächstes Jahr verheiratet bist. - You may well be married next year.
     interj. okay, all right, now then
          Gut, dann fangen wir mal an. - All right, then let's get started.

     v. to clarify, to clear up (an issue or misunderstanding), to fill in unknown details, to resolve, to sort out (a problem or a question)
          Du musst diese Frage für dich klären. - You have to sort out that question for youself.
     v. to clarify, to remove (visible contaminants)
     v. (sports) to clear (kicking a ball away from the goal one is defend)
     v. to become clear
          Der Himmel klärte sich und die Sonne schien. - The sky cleared and the sun was shining.
     v. (colloquial somewhat vulgar) to seduce, to wrap around one's little finger as a sex object
          Wir fahren in die Stadt, Chayas klären. - We are on a ride into the city to score some kweng.

     adj. filigree

     adj. hot (having a high temperature)
     adj. (of animals, otherwise informal) hot; horny (sexually aroused)

     adj. acceptable

     n. dative plural of Filter
     v. to filter

     n-f. seven
     n. (gerund of sieben); the act of sifting
     n. dative plural of Sieb
     v. to sift; to sieve

     adj. passable, acceptable, fair

     Participle. present participle of genügen
     adj. sufficient, ample
     adj. satisfactory
     adj. (education, chiefly Austria) D (grade)

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