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The German word for floor is



The gender of Boden is masculine. E.g. der Boden.


The plural of Boden is Böden.

German Definition

     [1] Etage, Stockwerk
     [2] Fußboden, Boden, Grund
     [3] Sohle (einer Mine, eines Flusses, eines Tals)

Translations for floor and their definitions

Stock ©
     n. stick, staff, broken-off twig
          Ich weiß nicht, wo ich den Stock gelassen habe; haben Sie ihn nicht gesehen? - I don't know where I've left the staff; haven't you seen it?
     n. floor, storey, level
          im dritten Stock - on the third floor (UK counting)/fourth floor (US counting)
     n. stock, supply (but only in some contexts and much less common than in English)
     n. (card games) pile of undealt cards, deck
     n. the entirety of roots of a plant; stock
     n. (short for Bienenstock) hive; beehive

     n. ground, soil
          heiliger Boden - hallowed ground
     n. sea bottom (typically called Meeresboden)
     n. any defined type of soil
     n. floor
     n. attic, garret, loft
     n. (colloquial) flooring, floor cover (often used in this sense in compound nouns: Teppichboden, Parkettboden)

     n. floor, storey, level (of a building)

     n-n. projectile
     n-n. storey, floor

     n-f. platform

     n. dative plural of Beleg
     v. to cover
     v. to fill (a sandwich etc.)
     v. to document, back, substantiate
     v. (education) to enroll for; to take (a course)
     v. (with mit) to bombard
     v. to reserve (a seat, room etc.); to occupy (a building)
          Er hat den Liegestuhl mit einem Badetuch belegt. - He reserved the sun lounger with a towel.
     v. to mate with (a female animal)

     n-f. floor; storey

     v. to defeat (an enemy)
     v. to quell (a rebellion)
     v. to strike (someone) down, to beat (someone) down; to force someone downwards
          einen Mann niederschlagen - to beat a man to the ground
     v. to cast down (one's eyes), to look down

     n-f. any cloth or cushion used as a covering; a tablecloth, blanket, quilt, duvet, etc.
          Tischdecke - tablecloth
          Bettdecke - blanket
          unter einer Decke stecken - under a blanket
     n-f. ceiling; roof (surface at the upper limit of a room or cavity)
          Mir fällt die Decke auf den Kopf - The ceiling is falling on my head
     n. plural of Deck
     v. first-person singular present of decken "I cover"

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