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The German word for fly is



The gender of Fliege is feminine. E.g. die Fliege.


The plural of Fliege is Fliegen.

German Definition

     [1] Zoologie: Fliege
     [2] Deckblatt
     [3] Überzelt
     [4] Hosenschlitz
          [1] There is a fly on the windscreen.
          [1] You can catch more flies with a spoonful of honey than a barrel of vinegar.
            Mit einem Löffel von Honig fängt man mehr Fliegen als mit einem Fass (sauren) Essigs.
     [1] fliegen

Translations for fly and their definitions

     n. (gerund of fliegen); (the act of) flying
     n. plural of Fliege
     v. to fly; to travel by air (+aux, sein)
     v. to rush; to fly; to go quickly (+aux, sein)
     v. to fly; to pilot (+aux, haben)
     v. to transport by air (+aux, haben)
     v. to get the axe, to get kicked out (+aux, sein)
          ... könnte von der Akademie fliegen. - ... could get kicked out of academy.
     v. to fall; to fall down (+aux, sein)

     n-m. (clothing) fly (of pants, trousers)

     adj. clever

Fliege ©
     n-f. fly (insect)
     n-f. (fashion) bowtie
     v. first-person singular present of fliegen
     v. first-person singular subjunctive of fliegen
     v. third-person singular subjunctive of fliegen
     v. singular imperative of fliegen

     v. to flee; to escape
          Als die Polizei eintraf, war der Räuber bereits geflohen. - When the police arrived, the robber had already fled.
     v. (archaic, poetic) to fly
          Die Vögel fliehen. - The birds are flying (fleeing).
     v. to diverge
          Die Linien fliehen. - The lines diverge.
     v. (higher register) to flee from (someone); to avoid
          Ich fliehe diesen Kerl wie die Pest. - I avoid that guy like the plague.

     v. to flee (to run away; to escape)
          Der deutsche Arzt flüchtete vor der Hektik und dem Stress, er sehnte sich nach Wärme und Ruhe. - The German doctor fled from the hustle and bustle; he longed for warmth and tranquility.
     v. to seek refuge (in in)

     adj. smart (exhibiting social ability or cleverness)
     adj. smart (good-looking, well-dressed)

     n-m. (automotive) indicator (UK, Australia, New Zealand), turn signal (US), blinker (informal, US), direction indicator
     n-m. (fishing) spoon lure

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