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The German word for glasses is



The gender of Brille is feminine. E.g. die Brille.


The plural of Brille is Brillen.

German Definition

     [1] eine Sehhilfe bestehend aus einem Gestell und zwei Gläsern; Brille
          [1] Today i forgot my glasses at home.
            Heute habe ich meine Brille zuhause vergessen.
     Deklinierte Form:
     Plural des Substantivs 'glass'

Translations for glasses and their definitions

     n-f. (pair of) glasses, spectacles (frames bearing two lenses worn in front of the eyes to correct vision)
     n-f. (pair of) goggles (protective eyewear set in a flexible frame to fit snugly against the face)
     n-f. (toilet) seat (hinged, contoured seat with a hole in the middle, of a toilet)
     n-f. (medical) nasal canulla for oxygen (clear plastic tubes for the delivery of oxygen to the nose)

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