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The German word for hard is


German Definition

     [1] hart, fest
     [2] schwierig
     [3] Süßwasser: hart, von hohem Kalkgehalt
     [4] von Erkenntnissen, Fakten, Informationen: gesichert, sicher, hieb- und stichfest/stichfest; unverhüllt, nackt
          [1] The girl got hurt by falling on the hard floor.
            Das Mädchen verletzte sich, als es auf den harten Fußboden fiel.
          [2] "We say, 'It is easy to have calmness in inactivity, it is hard to have calmness in activity, but calmness in activity is true calmness.'"
          [4] We were able to glean hard intelligence of them.
            Wir waren imstande, stichfeste (nachrichtendienstliche) Erkenntnisse über sie zusammenzutragen.
          [4] That’s a hard fact.
            Das ist die/eine nackte Tatsache.

Translations for hard and their definitions

hart ©
     adj. hard
     adj. severe, harsh
     adj. (figurative) unmoved, cold, cruel
     adv. hard (with force or effort)
          Sie haben die ganze Woche hart gearbeitet. - They worked hard all week.
     adv. sharply, roughly, severely
     adv. close (an (+ dative) to)

     adj. difficult, hard, challenging, tough
     adj. (of a person) difficult, prickly

     adj. heavy, weighty
     adj. difficult, hard
          eine schwere Aufgabe - a difficult task
     adj. serious
     adj. (of food) indigestible

     Participle. present participle of herausfordern

     adj. fixed (costs, salary)
          Zu den fixen Kosten zählen Gehälter und Mieten. - Fixed costs include salaries and rental fees.
     adj. fixed, constant, stationary
          Dieser Berg ist ein fixer Punkt in der Landschaft. - This mountain is a fixed point in the landscape.
     adj. (Austria) fixed, permanent
          Voraussetzung für eine fixe Anstellung ist ein fixer Wohnort. - A fixed residence is a requirement for permanent employment.
     adj. (Austria) definitely (non-gradable)
          Wir treffen ihn fix am nächsten Wochenende. - We will definitely meet him next weekend.
     adj. (colloquial) quick
          Der Schaden wurde fix behoben - The damage has been repaired quickly.
     adj. (colloquial) agile, nimble, skilled, smart
          Sie ist ein fixes Mädel. - She is a skilled girl.

     adj. strong (intense, powerful, unyielding)
     adj. strong (having a high concentration of some ingredient, e.g. alcohol)
     adj. (of an action, especially, sports) good, great, skilled
     adj. (colloquial slightly dated) brilliant, awesome
     adj. (colloquial dated) incredible, unbelievable
          ein starkes Stück
          starker Tobak
     adj. (dated, euphemistic) overweight, fat
     adj. (grammar) strong (inflecting according to a pattern distinct from another called "weak")

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