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The German word for to hold is

to hold

German Definition

     [1] halten
     [2] enthalten, aufweisen
     [3] Sitzung: abhalten
     [4] ein Amt: bekleiden
     [5] einbehalten
     [6] bereithalten
          [1] Hold the ball!
            Halt den Ball!
     [1] Griff
     [2] Halt
     [1] Laderaum
          [1] The cargo was stored in the hold.
            Die Fracht wurde in den Laderaum gebracht.

Translations for hold and their definitions

     v. to hold
     v. to stop; to halt; to hold back
          Haltet den Dieb! - Stop the thief!
     v. to support; to hold up
     v. to keep; to maintain; to hold
          Der Wein hält mich jung. - Wine keeps me young.
     v. to keep
     v. to hold; to keep; to stay
     v. to stop
          Der Zug hält nicht in Würzburg. - The train doesn’t stop in Würzburg.
     v. to take for, to consider (+preo, für)
          Hält er mich für einen Trottel? - Does he take me for a fool?
     v. to adhere to, to follow (rules, the law, etc.) (+preo, an)
          Er ist ein Aufrührer, der sich nicht an Ihre Regeln hält. - He's a rebel who doesn't follow your rules.
     v. (with preposition: von) expresses a positive or negative opinion depending on quantity
          Ich halte viel von Dieter. - I like Dieter a lot.
          Ich halte wenig von Tomaten. - I do not like tomatoes very much.
     v. to give (a presentation, lecture etc.)
          Ich halte ein Referat morgen. - I'm giving a presentation tomorrow.

     hold (cargo area)

     v. to hold; to adhere
          mit aller Kraft festhalten. - to hold on to (it) with all one's strength.
     v. to retain
          ausdrücklich festhalten. - to state expressly.
     v. to record; to capture
          schriftlich festhalten. - to record in writing.
     v. to detain
          Sie wurde sie gewaltsam festgehalten. - She was forcibly detained.


     v. to (go from house to house and) deliver sth.
          Briefe austragen, die Post austragen, die Zeitung oder Brötchen austragen - to do a round and distribute e.g. letters, the newspaper, bakery, milk, etc., especially on a regular basis
     v. to take somebody or something off a list
          sich aus einer Liste austragen - to unsubscribe
     v. to be in or have a struggle for victory with sb. (in any competitive event with another opposing group or person, e.g. a war, a fight, a battle, a duel, a championship, a contest, a match, a (scientif
          einen Kampf mit jdm. austragen - to have a fight against sb.
          ein Problem mit sich selbst austragen müssen - to have to deal with a problem by oneself
     v. to stage, to hold, to execute, to host such a competitive event
     v. to bear a child until birth, to gestate
          ein Kind austragen - to carry a child to full term
     v. (Austria, reflexive) to insist on (as a condition of something)

     n. gerund of abhalten
     v. to keep off, away, or out; to hold off
     v. to stop (someone from doing something); to block; to hold back or up
     v. to hold (a service, ceremony, etc.)
     v. to hold (a child while it relieves itself)
     v. to change the direction from

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