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The German word for ice is



The gender of Eis is neuter. E.g. das Eis.


The plural of Eis is Eise.

German Definition

     [1] (unzählbar) Eis (n)
     [2] (zählbar) (amerikanisch) Fruchteis (n)
     [1] gefrieren
     [1] gefrieren lassen
     [2] etwas mit oder in Eis kühlen
     [3] (Gastronomie) glasieren

Translations for ice and their definitions

Eis ©
     n. ice
     n. ice cream
     n. (music) E sharp
     n. genitive singular of Ei
     v. singular imperative of eisen
     v. colloquial of

     v. to freeze (to lower something's temperature to freezing point)
     v. to freeze (wages, prices, etc.)

     v. to be cold, feel cold (+aux, haben) (unlike English freeze) neither informal nor expressing extreme cold
          Frierst du? - Are you cold?
          Meine Hände frieren. - My hands are cold.
     v. (dated, or southern, transitive, of body parts, or impersonal of living beings) to be cold, feel cold +aux, haben
          Friert es dich? - Are you cold?
          Die Hände frieren mich. - My hands are cold.
     v. to freeze, be freezing, be below 0 degrees celsius (+aux, haben)
          Heute Nacht soll es frieren. - It’s going to freeze tonight.
     v. synonym of gefrieren, t=to freeze, become hard through cold +aux, sein

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