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The German word for to kick is

to kick

German Definition

     [1] (transitiv) jemand oder etwas treten oder schießen
          [1] Ballack kicked a goal.
            Ballack schoss ein Tor.
          [1] Did you kick your brother?
            Tratest du deinen Bruder?
     [1] Tritt, Stoß, Schuss
     [2] emotional: Nervenkitzel, Kick

Translations for kick and their definitions

     n. gerund of treten
     v. to step, to walk (a short distance)
          Bitte treten Sie hierher. - Please step over here.
     v. to appear
          Als sie die Tragödie sah, traten ihr Tränen in die Augen. - As she saw the tragedy, tears appeared in her eyes.
     v. to come into a state implied by a phrase.
          in Kraft treten - to come into effect
          an die Stelle treten - to take the place
          in Erscheinung treten - to appear (come into appearance)
          in den Hintergrund treten - to become less important (step into the background)
          in den Ruhestand treten - to retire (come into retirement)
          in Kontakt treten - to get in touch (come into contact)
          auf den Plan treten - to appear (literally, to come onto the map)
          an die Öffentlichkeit treten - to go public (to come into the public)
          in Aktion treten - to become active, to take action
          zutage (zu Tage) treten - to come to light (literally, day)
     v. to step; to tread; to trample
          Wasser treten - to tread water
     v. to kick
          Der Räuber schlug und trat sein Opfer. - The robber beat and kicked his victim.
     v. to step; to tread
     v. to step (on)
     v. to pedal

     v. to kick (strike with one’s foot; usually in the context of sports)
     v. to play football (soccer)
     v. to kick (remove someone from an online activity)

     n-n. (gerund of schießen)
     v. to shoot; to fire (+aux, haben)
          auf etwas schießen - to shoot at something
          Salut schießen - to fire a salute
     v. (sports) to kick; to shoot +aux, haben
          ein Tor schießen - to score (literally, “to shoot a goal”)
          den Ball ins Tor schießen - to shoot the ball into the goal
     v. (photography) to shoot +aux, haben
     v. (slang) to shoot up +aux, haben
     v. to dart; to shoot; to rush; to gush (+aux, sein)
          durch etwas schießen - to rush through something
          aus etwas schießen - to gush from something

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