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The German word for line is



The plural of Linie is Linien.

German Definition

     [1] ursprünglich: Schnur, Faden: lange, relativ dünne Textilie
       [a] allgemein: Linie: (gerade oder gebogene) Verbindung oder Weg zwischen zwei oder mehreren Punkten
       [b] Geometrie: Linie: gerader, eindimensionaler Körper, der unendlich lang und unendlich dünn ist
       [c] Geometrie, umgangssprachlich: Strecke, beidseitig begrenzte gerade Linie (2b)
       [a] Meridian, Längengrad, Breitengrad
       [b] häufig großgeschrieben (the Line): der Äquator, der Erdäquator
     [4] Richtung, Weg
     [5] Fernmeldewesen: Leitung
       [a] Zeile: geschriebene oder gedruckte Zeile (Reihe) von Buchstaben, Wörtern, Zahlen oder Zeichen, oder eine Leere anstelle solches Textes
       [b] gesprochener Satz
       [c] Spruch, Platte, Geschwätz
     [7] Schlange (Reihe von Individuen oder Gegenständen)
          [1] Then we hunted up a place close by to hide the canoe in, amongst the thick willows. We took some fish off of the lines and set them again, and begun to get ready for dinner.
          [1] Use fabric or nursery grade webbing around stakes and trunk, loosely tying the line to the tree about 6 inches below the point where the tree bounces back in your hand when you grab the trunk.
          [2a–c] That is a straight line.
            Das ist eine gerade Linie.
          [2a] The letter S is drawn with one line, the letter H with three.
          [2a] The atmosphere in flaming sparkles flew; / And where the burning wheels / Eddied above the mountain’s loftiest peak / Was traced a line of lightning.
          [2b] Euclid defined a line as a breadthless length.
          [2c] The line between point A and point B was 2cm long.
          [3b] She was somewhere to the northward of the Line.
     [1] Leinen, Linnen; Lein
          [1] They brought garments made of line.
     [1] die Innenseite (einer Sache) bedecken, füttern (mit einem Futter versehen)
          [1] The tailor lined the cloak with silk.
          [1] The bird lined its nest with pine needles.
     [1] veraltet, von einem Hund: (eine Hündin) begatten
          [1] Bedlamite was a black dog, and although it may be safely asserted that he lined upwards of 100 bitches of all colours, red, white, and blue, all his produce were black.
          [1] A bitch lined by a mangy dog is very liable to produce mangy puppies, and the progeny of a mangy bitch is certain to become affected some time or other.
          [1] Pliny states that the inhabitants of India take pleasure in having their dog bitches lined by the wild tigers, and to facilitate this union, they are in the habit of tieing them when in heat out in the woods, so that the male tigers may visit them.

Translations for line and their definitions

     n-f. line, row
     n-f.          in a text or table
     n-f.          of certain other things, especially houses or building elements like windows, sometimes also stalls, parked cars, trees, etc.

     n-f. snake
     n-f. line (of people waiting), queue
     n-f. (slang) penis
     n-f. (pejorative) a treacherous woman

Linie ©
     n-f. line
     n-f. (chess) file
     n-f. equator (nautical)

     n-f. row
     n-f. rank, succession, series, sequence, range
     n-f. (maths) series
     n-f. (chess) rank
     v. first-person singular present of reihen
     v. first-person singular subjunctive of reihen
     v. third-person singular subjunctive of reihen
     v. singular imperative of reihen

Gerade ©
     n. (geometry) line (infinite one-dimensional figure)
     n. (racing) straightaway
     adj. (of a number) even
          Zahlen, die durch zwei teilbar sind, heißen gerade Zahlen. - Numbers divisible by two are called even numbers.
     adv. now, at the moment
          Ich bin gerade in der Küche. - I'm in the kitchen right now.
     adv. just, a short while ago
          Ich war gerade in der Küche. - I was just in the kitchen.
     adv. just, only, not more than
          Ich habe gerade mal fünf Euro. - I only have five euro.
     adv. exactly
          Das ist gerade das Problem. - That is exactly the problem.
     adv. expresses the continuous aspect
          Ich sehe mir das gerade an. - I am watching that.
     adj. straight
          eine gerade Straße - a straight street i.e., one without any turns

     n-f. cable, line, wire
     n-f. conduit, pipe
     n-f. management
     n-f. conduction

     v. first-person singular present of strecken
     v. first-person singular subjunctive of strecken
     v. third-person singular subjunctive of strecken
     v. singular imperative of strecken

Falte ©
     n-f. fold
     n-f. wrinkle
     v. first-person singular present of falten
     v. first-person singular subjunctive of falten
     v. third-person singular subjunctive of falten
     v. singular imperative of falten

     n-m. (geography) circle of latitude

     n-f. line, cord (a rope, usually relatively thin), (especially)
     n-f.          washing line
     n-f.          leash (strap or cord with which to restrain an animal)
     n-f.          (nautical) a rope of lesser thickness
     n. plural of Lein

     n-m. (geography) circle of longitude


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