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The German word for long is


German Definition


Translations for long and their definitions

     Proper noun. surname, from=nicknames
     adj. long; lengthy (in space or time)
     adj. (of a person) tall
     adj. (with units of time, chiefly Jahre) many (indicating the length of the time in total)
          Er hat lange Jahre damit verbracht, diese Frage zu erörtern. - He spent many years reasoning about this question.
     adv. (chiefly colloquial, but also found in formal style) Alternative form of lange
          Der Ausflug hat lang gedauert. - The trip took quite long.
     adv. long, sprawled, stretched (physically)
          Er lag lang auf der Erde. - He lay sprawled on the ground.
     post. for (temporal)
          Er ist ein Jahr lang um die Welt gereist. - He travelled around the world for one year.
          Ich habe mein ganzes Leben lang die Relativitätstheorie studiert. - I studied relativistic physics my entire life.
     post. (chiefly colloquial, but also found in formal style) Alternative form of entlang
          Gehen Sie einfach diese Straße lang! - Just go along this street!
          Wo lang? Hier lang! - Which way? This way!
     v. singular imperative of langen

     Proper noun. surname, from=nicknames
     adv. long, for a long time
     adv. in a long time
     adj. form of lang
     v. first-person singular present of langen
     v. first-person singular subjunctive of langen
     v. third-person singular subjunctive of langen
     v. singular imperative of langen

     adj. wide
     adj. large
     adj. far, distant (of the past or future)
          Der Roman spielt in der weiten Zukunft. - The novel takes place in the far future.
     adj. Denotes a certain point in time or in some process or schedule, or a certain stage of development.
          Es ist fast so weit, das Ritual durchzuführen. - It's almost time to perform the ritual.
          Computer sind so weit fortgeschritten, dass sie Sprache verstehen. - Computers have advanced enough to understand language.
     adv. far

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