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The German word for marble is



The plural of Marmor is Marmore.

German Definition

     [1] der Marmor
     [2] die Murmel
          [1] This statue was made by an unknown sculptor around 1700. It’s made of Italian marble.
            Diese Skulptur wurde von einem unbekannten Künstler um 1700 erschaffen. Sie besteht aus italienischem Marmor.
          [2] As I was a child, it was forbidden to me to play with marbles except with my brother at home.
            Als ich Kind war, war es mir verboten mit Murmeln zu spielen, außer mit meinem Bruder zu Hause.

Translations for marble and their definitions

Marmor ©
     n-m. (rock) marble

     n-f. marble (small glass ball)
     n-f. (colloquial) any ball or ball-like object, especially
     n-f.          football, soccer ball
     n-f.          testicle
     n-f.          head, noggin
     n-n. (regional, informal, hunting) short for, Murmeltier, t=marmot
     n. (tlb, obsolete) mumbling, rambling, murmuring
     v. first-person singular present of murmeln
     v. singular imperative of murmeln


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