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The German word for music is



The gender of Musik is feminine. E.g. die Musik.


The plural of Musik is Musiken.

German Definition

     [1] kein Plural: Musik
     [2] Noten

Translations for music and their definitions

     n-f. music
          Was hörst du für Musik? - What kind of music do you listen to?
     n-f. music as a school subject, musical instruction
          Musik fällt morgen aus. - Music class is cancelled tomorrow.
     n-f. a musical piece
          Eine kleine Nachtmusik - Eine kleine Nachtmusik
     n-f. (informal) a band, mostly one performing at some event
          Die Musik ist noch beim Essen, aber gleich geht’s los. - The band are still eating, but they’ll start soon.

     n. plural of Note
     n. music (sheet music, written music)
          Gitarrennoten für Anfänger. - Guitar sheet music for beginners.
          Ich hatte meine Geige in einer Hand und die Noten in der anderen. - I had my violin in one hand and my music in the other.

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